
Can people stop calling (white) men feminist because they said some nice things about women now? Or are y’all looking for the next great white guy to prop up as a savior to women?

Butler’s career has been on a downslide for years. Rush is a great character actor, but he’s not someone action fans will line up to see. Coster-Waldau is also talented, but he’s “that guy from that show” rather than anyone a movie goer will recognize by name. And there are certainly plenty of new actors who are

Can we please stop pretending it’s as cut and dried as that?

Except women having rape fantasies is a thing completely outside a man’s choice to repeatedly simulate rape. Given the prevalance of rape and abuse - primarily of women - in sex work, porn, and BDSM, it’s relevant and valid to question the motivations of the men who choose to participate in them repeatedly and

There’s nothing un-feminist about rape fantasies and I’m totally pro-kink, but I have trouble endorsing them as positive sexual outlets when they’re from the point of view of the rapist. Most porn is shot for men, marketed to men, including the videos to which I’m referring.

And that would be applicable if I were talking about videos simulating consensual BDSM. I’m an advocate for sex positivity and have several amateur kink and pro domme friends; I am able to make the distinction.

You seriously don’t fucking understand the horror he faced in police custody?

I can’t believe you typed that with a straight face.

YOU’RE ALREADY DOING THAT. prop 8 anyone? bueller? bueller?

This is why NO churches should get tax exempt status.

Just because the Catholic Church has been around a long time doesn’t mean it’s any less prone to fraud, misconduct or abuse. If anything, it’s more likely to occur behind its shroud of “legitimacy.” Leaving these matters up to more established sects is pointless— they're all full of shit and designed to shelter

Why should people making supernatural claims thousands of years ago be privileged over people making supernatural claims this year?

Reconsider your last two sentences:

Please don’t be obtuse. People of all races benefit from cultural training. Lots of schools also offer peer-to-peer counseling, the Yale student quoted above is just asking that a culture-specific version of this exist (which would make it more truly peer-to-peer). The things this student is asking for are totally

I’m just going to copy paste what I said somewhere else - No one should tolerate being treated as a second class citizen just because they happen to have made it to what is perceived as a great place. This whole “you should be grateful for what you have” argument has limits.

It was like he was filibustering rational thinking.

Where did you get the idea that commenters here think that killing a child is okay?

Timberlake never did any hip hop. He tried a kind of r and b lite, maybe, but never hip hop. I don’t know why people think he did. It’s getting weird.

“People say I talk about spumoni too much and that I’m condescending. (Spumoni is italian ice cream and condescending means I talk down to others.)” - John Kasich

It wasn’t a surgery, it was a lancing. And that’s a lovely negative stereotype you’ve got going there.