
Dude, half-assedly do Weight Watchers and do Zumba... more to dance around like a fool and de-stress than anything else, if you want a human approach to it. Or don’t. Or just eat the fucking muffin. Yes, you ideally “only get married once”, but I counter-argue that you’re not going to be on your deathbed like, “I’m SO

Girl, you are lucky that this experience is limited to your wedding preparation. I think you’re about to find this is a pretty accurate depiction of most women ages 14 to forever.

It was a bad bill that was encouraging a cartel situation. We need legal marijuana, but not in this way. That's why people voted it down. Apparently, a better bill is in the works for 2016.

Guys, I think Yoko finally watched Up.

It’s a school organization composed of people associated with the school. You’re right, it’s terribly wrong of me to assume that they could at the very least direct them to the right parties with which to lodge the complaint.

It’s through the school. I, like most people, don’t give a shit whether it’s officially the school or a closely related organization. The school can fix it, therefore ping the school with your dissatisfaction.

Plus, what’s the whole creepy dance with your father all night thing? I mean, why exactly are we creating a pseudo-romantic evening for fathers and daughters? Weird. I was on the PTA at my daughter’s school. We did family events. Full stop. And no dances. We did educational family events for all the children

*thundering applause* thank you!

It’s kind of weird that Gawker Media is directing so much snark at this teenager who at least seems to have realized that the world she was caught up in was not healthy and wishes to convey that message to others.

I want to snark and make some silly comment about how I’m renouncing my internet presence for a more serious life of scholarly contemplation and that I’m actually a 75-year-old married housewife, etc...

He/She is trying to politicize the oppression of women by comparing the violence as being worse over there...

dean mcDermott, dermot mulroney, and dylan mcDermott all need to change their fucking names so america stops being scared and confused

courageous? holy shit, where is the self-awareness. No one wants her there anyways, leave us alone. Global gentrifiers.

The whole time reading this, I was thinking, has she never heard of ta’arof?

When i get really angry at an article I look for the replies that say what I’m thinking... you are the only one i find that gets my exact sentiment. This white girl “Im so powerful and a lonely wander, no one is like me” is annoying. She isn’t a special snowflake and brave warrior for conquering foreign land. The

Oh, really? I mean, obviously an actual war zone would be dangerous but the vast majority of the “Middle East” is not a war zone. You have to be careful not to offend people but the same could be said for foreigners traveling through Small Town, U.S.A.

Here are a few pieces that explain the differences:

If the movie is as you describe the events, part of the reason it failed was that it was advertised inaccurately. The commercials suggested none of that, and mostly showed Sandra Bullock demonstrating that she has moxie.