Well, since we can’t get a prosecution for most of the criminal stuff that happens to us, I’m not going to cry about this man being annoyed for 30 seconds of his day.
Well, since we can’t get a prosecution for most of the criminal stuff that happens to us, I’m not going to cry about this man being annoyed for 30 seconds of his day.
Why call the police for no reason? I agree there are situations where pursuing the dude would be too dangerous to risk but this was a busy street during the day, I might have weighed the risk/reward and made the same choice as her. Something has to be done about people like this, and she did not break any laws. I say…
This is 1000x more empowering than those ‘inspirational’ videos people post with the soaring music in the background. Take back public spaces for women. Fuck yeah!
I think the whole thing is an inherently bad thing, because it’s based around my giving support to creators against my will. If any passive viewing (as happens when an ad autoplays before content) supports them, then creators are incentivized to use manipulative means to get me to view their content. This is the…
Remember when she stood up to the banks and demanded Americans be treated like people and not profits? Uhg... me neither. That never happened.
During the Politics and Eggs breakfast in Manchester, New Hampshire this Wednesday, presidential hopeful Hillary…
Wait, so you can’t win if you don’t pronounce a name, which it’s wildly unlikely is actually pronounced in the American fashion, correctly even if you pronounce it phonetically? What would they do with Telemachus or Lysistrata? No one ‘knows’ how those names are pronounced.
When this movie came out I was like, WOW 27- SUCH ADULT!
Pay inequality doesn’t stop at the gender divide, sadly. I work among women and the women with kids/families make more for the same job title by $10-$20k, which is absolutely maddening. It’s frustrating to be a childless woman and not be considered “worth” the raise I’ve continually asked for. When I got married, my…
I knew a white girl who used to wear corn rows and talk about soul food non stop lol. sometimes on weekends she wore kimonos
If I see white people walking around in Dashikis and bindis at the same time, I’mma burn this shit to the ground.
White people have discovered that they are the REAL victims of racism and prejudice recently as well.
You CAN enjoy pho! Pho is delicious. Just like, don’t act like it’s some cool new food that you became hip to before everyone else.
For some of you, today is Columbus Day. For others it is Indigenous Peoples day and for the rest of you, it’s…
“If this really is the end of Scott’s tenure on KUWTK, I’m genuinely going to miss him.”
Chemical hormone manipulation. Doesn’t sound very sexy does it? You are intentionally altering the way your body functions. We downplay it, but it is a rather serious thing to do to yourself.
Pros: dimples, probably has good snacks
And I’d argue that the widespread denunciation of adultery is a cultural “reaction formation,” in psychoanalytic parlance, a defense mechanism whereby we assume and exaggerate a feeling or belief that is in direct opposition to how we actually feel because it’s more socially acceptable.