
While the headline is totally truthful, it’s also somewhat misleading on an initial read. When I hear of prisoners being released, I think that means from prison all together. Sure, they were released from death row and put back into regular prison, but surely there’s a better phrasing for that?

Wait. That’s boobies! These are tits.


Found ‘em

wait what makes you think he is creepy

Cannot process nuance!

There has not been a time in our history when this nation has not been at war with black people. Perhaps at times the battle was quieter or we were less aware, but it has always been present.


I have seriously never found a man so attractive without knowing what his face looks like.

Unfortunately for the viewers, we didn’t even get to see his Cinna buns.

Um, no.

You fools! Earring backing is just a clever name—those are actually the front!

Wait, he hashtagged #REALMUSIC?

Not from the lion’s point of view or the deer too for that matter.

Firstly, why is the dentist’s fleeting moment of pleasure at killing the animal any more shameful than someone’s fleeting moments of pleasure spent eating a deer or pig? No one in America needs to eat a deer to stay alive or stay healthy. Both are just different ways to use an animal’s body for your own gratification.

Oh man, the comments are going to be terrible on this.

I don’t think anyone was doubting your facts, just questioning whether you seriously meant to imply that they had any relevance to this.

What are you talking about? Miss Israel represents the state of Israel, a country which has repeatedly murdered Lebanese men, women and children. That's not hate, bigotry or painting everyone with the same brush. If you choose to represent a jingoistic apartheid state, you shouldn't expect people who have been

Yes, because fraternizing with someone who represents a country which has repeatedly bombed and massacred your countrymen and women is the way to world peace.