
Lets also not forget that she said Palestinians deserve to be dead and then went on a rant about the ones that were killed had low IQs, i remember a lot of people defended what she said.

A lot of people, while feeling sympathy for the people of France and rage at the terrorists who committed the atrocities, don't want to repost the cartoons simply because they're racist. I think it's Ok to condemn the attacks without wanting to be seen apparently showing support for the racist stereotypes in some of

I always though Igloo Australia was universal shade being thrown at hip hop.

For Fucks Sake, nobody said it was limited to white people all of the time. This is actually a case of white people doing whatever the fuck. So that's where I filed it for myself. God forbid we don't address the poor behavior brown people are capable of as well.

Are you seriously the Cat Stealing Dog Bed Truther right now? Were all the conspiracy theories about chemtrails and the Lizard People taken up before you got here?

I found a video still of the sex tape!!!!!!!

Someone needs to call out Iggy Australia for her shit, but this is definitely the wrong way to do so.

Computers will become self aware before Iggy Azalea does

In SF as they were declaring us protestors a "public safety hazard" and threatening us with force some bro was basically dragging his lifeless santacon attending friend past us. That dude needed a hospital for sure, the protestors called the cops attention to them, and the cops basically shrugged and continued forcing

That is precious. More importantly: THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAN WHO IS EXACTLY THAT FINE?! Jesus.

obama and hilary are thoughtful, moderate republicans, imo.

We should tell them that the Muslins invented al-jabr...I mean algebra. it will blow their minds.

Pleather jackets can still use some adhesives that are made from animal products. It is called vegan leather because being a vegan without clear labels means asking a lot of companies a lot of questions when info like that isn't readily available on a tag. Sure, it's annoying, but it's also not the worst thing ever

To be fair people I didn't even know would lecture me about my diet when I was a vegan. Like seriously hear me mention it in passing in a conversation they were not a part of and tell me that I was making myself sick, or I NEED protein from meat and I can't get it from anywhere else like broccoli, or beans, or (insert

As a vegetarian who regularly receives unsolicited lectures about how I probably am not getting enough protein, I can say that meat eaters are just as annoying.

Can we put them in jail for practicing medicine without a license?

i love them for that reason. they're very raw. they're honest and intelligent and see through people's bullshit but they're dumb about being honest and intelligent and see through people's bullshit

"George Bush doesn't care about Black people" or "It ain't Ralph tho" wouldnt have happened with that rough draft.

If tv shows as a shared cultural experience and an art form (regardless of your opinion on the merits of SOA in particular) had no value or interest to anyone, then this story would not even have been published. Acting like anybody who complains about a practically unavoidable major spoiler — in the last place they'd

Dying like a G(angster). Kind of dumb because these characters basically ARE gangsters. No need to say "like a gangster."

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. It means like a gangster.