
this is one of the least strange celebrity names out there

being feminist doesn’t mean you can never say anything about a woman ever. you can be feminist and criticize lots of shit women do. you can even be feminist and anti-capitalist. some of us even think that real feminism isn’t compatible with capitalism. and some of us just understand that women are often complicit, if

this has been widely written about in the aftermath of rachel dolezal. a google search will likely provide several view points on this comparison

PS public schools are also often struggling with incredible safety issues, so yes, many of us understand that. and the state is usually unable to provide resources to support our public schools—that is due, in part, to an increasingly privatized education system. when a select group of students opt out of the public

you can believe women have the right to speak and not shame them, and still want to question the industry. those aren’t mutually exclusive.

actually jezebel itself has maybe not endorsed—but certainly written about JD in this way and talked about his feminist label. theyve featured him as if he was the feminist porn star we’ve all been waiting for

its not just the name, although that’s huge—they clintons are an american dynasty. it’s that her husbands presidency did so much for private corporations and the wealthy that THAT is what has kept them in power and in favor. thats what she’s running on.

Pat Sajak is apparently not going to be giving this Tuesday.

cool joke in a story about someone being racially profiled

it wasn’t a smart choice of words, since there is such a shitty history of “go ask your husband”, and he certainly could have put it differently. but in this case, he isn’t asking her to talk to him because he’s her husband, but because he is also an expert who has written on the subject—and has a different view than

yes, except that he is specifically naming her husband because he is also an expert who wrote something relevant.

first off, this is a thing that already happens. religion meddles with politics all the time. hobby lobby? the point is tax exempt status should be about public service and therefore also abide by all rules and anti discrimination laws. they shouldnt be allowed exemptions that others dont get on the grounds of

campus administration can take steps to support students. thats what they are paid to do. they laid out specific administrative actions that will help them feel supported—and foster a cultural shift on campus.

thats like saying because white men have more experience being CEO’s we can’t possibly find qualified women. and it’s a total myth. academia is competitive and most aren’t lucky enough to get coveted positions. this means there are PLENTY of people, black and brown folks included, that are “qualified” and not getting

so the privilege of going to Yale means you just accept racism as a part of the experience? get out

dissenting discourse isn’t hatred. says the person who came at me with “so let me get this straight” and told me i “just can’t fathom...”when nothing was directed to them. anyways, i think we’re done

I know a few people who’ve had that about that size. apparently unless it’s infected they just tell you to run it’s course and let it drain

or everyone should wear whatever they feel good in.

or parent child STEM night.

or, if you are curious about learning about something, you can do some more digging as to why. these are jezebel comments. i gave an opinion. i don’t owe you my life story. It’s great to learn form people and experiences, but usually, when i need more, i go seek it out myself