
maybe, but it sounds like she is coming out against totally manufactured and curated social media profiles that pass off as being “real”. she admits to making money off social media, and has a following if she wants to make vegan videos or whatever, but i wont fault her for being willing to stop making money off of

you’re welcome to interpret my response through an incredibly narrow and reductionist lens. I said nothing about her deserving harassment. but when we continually hear one narrative about a country, region, or people, it is important to remember that those stories are incomplete. white privilege is not having to

im not really going to explain why, as an iranian woman, i found her tone condescending. see long history of erasing women’s agency—particularly in the middle east. a lot has been written about this phenomenon

yes, there can be different dangers. but it’s good to remember that how you feel as a tourist is not an absolute truth for all people of a country. there are neighborhoods across the U.S. where people are afraid to walk to school.

americans are generally treated easier than iranian women—they get that you are an outsider—just respect the rules and customs (they are not the same thing). that’s why these cases in the news aren’t the norm. and yes, they were arrested at the border without visas. not that their arrest justified political posturing,

define common. those billboards are remnants of the revolution.

many iranian women have travelled iran alone. How nice for you to position yourself as the outsdier willing to break the rules. Iranian women have been living under this regime for decades, and have figured out how to live their lives under it. Despite what you may have been told, or not seen, they do have some

this article had flaws—but are you seriously suggesting that’s all that happens in Iran? get out

a lot of us don’t use or view youtube the way we do music. youtube was once upon a time just a place you uploaded random videos people may or may not care about. videos of random events in your life, candidly hilarious things, or maybe, an organizations publicity video or PSA where getting the word out for free is

What if being a youtube celebrity wasn’t a thing. then we could just go back to watching old Mariah Carey videos for free? I don’t need professional quality original youtube programming. What about just funny videos of random shit that happened at a strangers wedding and the occasional not so professional creative

I love shonda but am not looking forward to her “military drama set in baghdad”. Scandal is already flexing too much America “leader of the free world” muscle where the president is a republican except does things democrats do and bombs countries to save his girlfriend. let’s not make military dramas unless you are

i have never seen an original engagement photo. while i think people can go overboard with their pets, the photo is usually cheesy long before a pet enters the picture

mistake or not that is wage theft. oops we are incompetent and stole your wages has the same outcome. and for a year? i have a hard time believing that after a year and being asked and notified you can’t prioritize making sure someone is paid immediately. would corporate employees go a week without pay? F that trying

The whole idea of social norms for being poor (don’t spend on “frivolous” things like clothes) is so infuriating. It’s a good reminder that people are just paternalistic AF about poor people and how they believe they should live their life. This is the land of liberty and individual choice—as long as your deemed

this is a noteworthy deal? don’t most stores have sales like this all the time, without requiring the products be shipped from another part of the country when we can walk a block or drive maybe a mile to get? online shopping is getting a little out of hand.

this is a noteworthy deal? don’t most stores have sales like this all the time, without requiring the products be

it’s totally cool to have your comeback be about the voting disenfranchisement of a vast portion of the population.

all the male characters on this show get away with the image that they are hapless participants being overrun by the women in this family. all of them choose to be on it and all of them make money being there. they are all calculating, not just kris jenner and her daughters. each one who chooses to be on that show has

or they are all on a TV show playing characters. scott is a willing and paid participant—he knows what persona to have on the show, and i have a feeling there are no “surprises” on TV. all calculated

Everything about this is hilarious and god bless them for their bravery to document just how out of touch with reality they are

i get it, she’s not my favorite