people who are not in their 20s
people who are not in their 20s
so she’s not black enough?
this parent mostly just said they would try and inspire their kid a little more before their kid quit. not sure what’s so crazy about that that you would need to pass so much judgement on her comment. they may not love the documentary but that’s hardly a poor parenting choice. it’s not that outrageous to think of ways…
So they are passing this off as a white savior in a story where she is a white lady who sets up a puppet government in another country? It’s one thing when a film takes a righteous cause belonging to non-Anglos and puts a white person at the center of the story, but it’s another thing entirely to pass off a historical…
Le google
ya but to be fair your comment made it seem like the scandal was between and adult and a 14 year old, not two teens.
you just made me do the dance of joy!
i can still think the rule of law is unfairly applied to rich white people
i always thought men were so restrained when it came to giving their opinions. thank god for steve harvey—finally some male centered media!
makes sense. ive definitely had my flight cancelled because there weren’t enough passengers—which you’d think they’d know before i got to the airport.
ya im guessing the video started playing well after the normal reasoning and things had pretty much escalated if you already have landed and you have an air marshall in the mix
that sounds like a bad ass flight, but I thought they cancel flights when they are this empty? it’s essentially just burning crazy amounts of fuel for little reason at that point? yeesh
This weekend someone asked me what basic means. Now I can just show them.
hillary was there with all her other millionaire friends. far from shocking.
shaving is my least favorite thing on earth, uncomfortable and stubbly razor burn is not my friend. waxing is not that painful after the first few times, and a good waxer will move quickly so that it doesn’t hurt for long. the only downside to waxing is that you have to let it grow back, and can also produce ingrown…
I was really happy to read this today since earlier i had to endure the “Don’t Piss On Your Best Friend” post via Gawker that made me want to scream.
if it’s a healthy relationship, i’d hope the same is true for both parties. listening to your partner say they may have needs beyond the traditional monogamous relationship is just as important so they dont feel pressured and afraid of losing their partner for being honest.
true, and there are also lots of people who feel that way about how they end up in monogamous relationships. we just assume one is the norm, and so its the non-monogamous that are deviating from that and putting an obstacle in the way of the relationship.
This teen obviously just isn’t baller enough yet to know that when you’re flossing your real heavy earrings you don’t want them to look like they’re drooping and falling off and those plastic backs are perfect for propping up your look (you know for when you’re on the go and don’t have any of your usual baller gold…
It’s twitter—you try and fit as much in as possible and don’t worry about apostrophes. and she’s Irish—if you were knocking her for “realised”. Calling out spelling mistakes on stuff like this always feels like reaching for some kind of upper hand of superiority.