
I’m not distracted. you just have to be able to prioritize the loss of life over the loss of property.

“We at PETA very much love the animal companions who share our homes, but we believe that it would have been in the animals’ best interests if the institution of “pet keeping”—i.e., breeding animals to be kept and regarded as “pets”—never existed. The international pastime of domesticating animals has created an

if you read their website they are pretty explicit about why they run these shelters. they aren’t for killing animals, they argue that no-kill shelters still turn away animals at high rates, that can’t be adopted/saved (sick/aggressive, etc) and so they end up dying on the street or staying in abused homes. also they

I guess my point is that we know nothing about this family. just because they keep books geared for older kids in storage, doesn’t mean they are taking books out of their children’s hands when they ask for them. they might just find they have enough of what they need right now, and that works for their child. maybe

For all we know it’s a family inside joke. good god it’s a stranger’s email we know nothing about.

as a librarian you don’t think 32 books at one time is enough for a small child’s personal collection? seriously?

At what point is putting people’s personal emails out on blast not okay? this isn’t like it has anything to do with the public, it’s totally between an individual and their family. God I’m sure you could find tons of horrible things in my email account that were meant only for those closest to me. It’s not even a

not actually true. It might not damage them, but reading age level appropriate books is not a bad thing. Board books make sense for babies, for example, fhigh contrasts (for example large shapes in black and white colors) are better for newborns and infants, because they can actually stay more interested and focus

And your personal anecdotal experience is clearly evidence. no matter the wealth of developmental science out there. not having all the books in the world will not make you a poor reader. Disfluency is not only a professional teacher (they actually know things!) but is totally right. A small baby or child, at some

voice of reason thank you

except they literally write how many books they DO have.

my job is actually building a campaign for early reading and literacy—still, yes, there can be such a thing as too many anything. You don’t actually need 100 books for a baby all at once. it sounds totally reasonable. we know nothing about these people besides what’s in their email, and it was obviously personal and

And she didn’t get tased or shot by the police and then have her character blamed for the incident. hmmm

i still remember my 4th grade essay on Koala’s and learning that they can snap off your thumb if they bite.

this is a horribly produced trailer. it looks like it’s for a straight to TV rom com

Ive been to at least 3 but im happy to know it’s not true everywhere! that’s also been my experience at other medical offices.

i feel you. took me forever. i have always had bad skin (relatively few years on the pill so i know what my “natural” skin looks like. so i lost the benefit of improved skin, but that crazy cystic stuff that happened when i got off the pill definitely cleared up, albeit slowly. first few months were fine, next few

how long has it been? it took me 6 months to get things back to normal.

funny because every time i go to my OBGYN or planned parenthood and try to talk about any risks they brush it all under the rug and tell me it’s all fine. things never mentioned: migraines sometimes lasting 48 hours, weight gain, and loss of sex drive. Saying everything is a risk, like drinking water, is doing the

yes i have a mutual understanding with my cousin/best friend.