radical idealist

You knew Hipparchus, but not Anaxagoras? I’m as skeptical as Arcesilaus

Ah, yes, that is a problematic screengrab

You’re welcome, Anaxagorus

He could just have Spicer provide commentary.

Watch him play then... Judge for yourself.

Funny thing is, I was just looking for a quick clip of the quote, and I totally forgot it started with the human chessboard scene.

Pictured: Aaron Judge celebrating with Yankee teammates. Not pictured: Yankee outfielders landing on DL from hip and rib injuries celebrating with Aaron Judge.

Was this at the Father and Son game?

I’ve seen some spring training games online this year. His strike zone is massive, but he’s so far done a decent job covering it or reducing it. Also he is surprisingly athletic. Runs pretty well. Considering he’s nearly LeBron’s height with 25 extra pounds, not bad.

Agreed, it’s also why I was surprised Trump was skipping the Nat’s game. Dude, it’s baseball, lots of old white guys.

Excuse me, but the most powerful figure in chess is a woman, and calling her a lunatic is a typical patriarchy response to a strong woman.

I feel like chess fans are being rooked as long as this guy remains president. We really need a white knight to ride in and save the game. But I suppose us fans are just pawns in the grand scheme.

The most powerful man in Checkers wears velcro shoes

Stick to —

Eh, that’s okay. The most powerful man in the western hemisphere, if not the world, is an imbecile and a narcissistic lunatic pissbaby.

The Redskins shouldn’t drink firewater in glass teepees.

Maybe the alcoholism thing was all a big misunderstanding. I mean, it’s easy to understand how people might have thought he had alcohol problems. Everytime he mentioned the Redskins, he was slurring.

Venus’ resurgence has been impressive! Her serve is not consistent but she’s serving big and hitting her spots well particularly into the body. Konta will be tough but Venus is motivated and her game is sharp. I think she wins the semi but if she has to play Pliskova in the final, that will be tough.

Venus was dominating. She was moving Kerber around all day just like that point at 3-2. Unfortunately, I don’t see her getting to #1 with that puny, inconsistent serve.