radical idealist

It’s a book about self-referential programs and my reference was a nod to his brilliant double use of “fuck Jim Harbaugh”.

My wife would never let me because she knows how I eat linguini.

Searched for “Pitino”, didn’t find it, came to the comments section.

It’s a great plan, except for the fact that every NFL team is run by a bunch of rich, white idiots.

+1 Gödel, Escher, Bach

It’s almost a blessing that WaPo limits me to so many free articles before I delete their cookies.


The Bears think having a dirty Sanchez is better than having a clean Colin.

Cutler retired to his sugar-momma. Pipe-layers Union #69.

Jay Cutler could sure use some lingerie.

That’s a switch.

More like “Serge, HeBlockedYa” and “Rod, He StuckYe”.

Ewing Effect for an established, close-knit team. My thought exactly.

On the other hand, I hope it’s possible that Durant’s re-entry re-fucks their team chemistry - one that has taken so long to gel without him, especially integrating Barnes into the lineup.

The maturation of a man in America. I respect Melo.

Do you realize you are putting words in my mouth that I never said?

Do you realize you are putting words in my mouth that I never said?

That’s funny in a sad-but-true kinda way. I know *exactly* how you feel.

It’s simple:

You said originally: