Provided you’re not an asshat, yourself, it’s better to laugh at them than to cry about them. I think they outnumber us, my friend.
Provided you’re not an asshat, yourself, it’s better to laugh at them than to cry about them. I think they outnumber us, my friend.
Provided you’re not an asshat, yourself, it’s better to laugh at them than to cry about them. I think they outnumber us, my friend.
Of course the bulk of the abuse is the result of “tradition”, but brain damage is definitely not going to help a person think, “I hated that shit when they did it to me, maybe we should put an end to it” when they’re seniors.
NCAA : No Class At All
It’s not leverage, it’s that most politicians of any flavor are in it for their constituents, which usually amounts to their rich donors.
Bastion of German soccer, welcome to America, bastion of stupidity.
You mean Tim Berners-Lee?
In today’s world, anything to get you remembered on Twitter has to be a good thing, I suppose.
Authur Blank said this has wrecked him.
Buffalo is definitely ready to help get a butthole ready.
Buffalo is definitely ready to help a butthole get ready.
Remember: Buckhead rhymes with fuckhead.
Remember: Buckhead rhymes with fuckhead.
Early nominee for next year’s Names Bracket: Tad Dickman.
They only trauma they experience is that of their children’s victims.
+1 “Rum, sodomy and the slots”
... in a desert.
+1 Promotion to Corporal
In all seriousness, they do have Blue Man Group, Cirque, Celine, Penn and Teller and the like.