Illustrated kinesiology.
Illustrated kinesiology.
That’s the dirtiest star I’ve ever given, you mischievous bastard.
And quite probably totally simplistic.
A tennis player’s most important asset is a truly maniacal devotion to repetition. Every young player can learn a lot from Nadal’s face-wipe butt-pick sequence.
If it’s any comfort, he just made you do it so he could fuck the bejeezus out of your Mom.
For your wife, at least.
I don’t think Mr. Goldstein understands that Depp wasn’t stockpiling it, he was actually drinking it.
Which are you, Kellyanne or Sean?
Whatever he’s drinking, at $24M next season with either $35M or UFA the year after, it’s definitely top-shelf.
At just a smidge less than $24M for the coming season and $19M for last, I’m not having any of his crocodile tears.
Don’t go out like that cheapskate Larry Bird.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
You’re supposed to contact a doctor if it lasts more than four hours, dude.
Everyone should be worried about Russell Westbrook, especially if they have both KD and Zaza “mean pick-setter” Patchoulia (Is that an unwashed Deadhead I smell?) or if they have last year’s Championship Ring.
That video rules. I hope his brain survives football. Seriously.
I stand by it. That shit pissed me off when I saw it happen in the game, and then I was very disappointed in the media’s and society’s acceptance of that kind of behavior in a game. We live in a world where many, many people are thirsting and starving to death and the lack of perspective these athletes and this…
I was referring to Fundamental Christian creationists being fools for ignoring the obvious and beautiful truth of science.
I would imagine that the one skill that a player can improve over the long haul would be his shooting. It’s not a stretch to say that RR could have the same career arc as Jason Kidd, is it, whose shot didn’t develop until very late in his career, IIRC? It seems that RR also has better passing and D skills than Kidd…
Hey Giri, please pass along this message to your bosses:
Literal LOL, my friend. Thanks.