radical idealist

WWTD --- What Would Trump Do?

Note that “obstruction of breathing” is legal in NYC if you see someone selling a cigarette.

But scattered with intimidation, smothered with idiocy and covered by the lawyers.

Ask that question on DeadSpin?

Or they all mime machine-gunning the flag with maniacal looks on their faces.

Actually, to be brown or black and disobey your master is truly fundamentally un-American. Same with women who want to vote.

Little known sub-clauses:

Not to the dumbasses.

The headline makes your profile pic look creepy.

“It ain’t no dixie cup, it ain’t no coffee mug, and you certainly don’t want to be drinking nothing out of it.”

Shaq is afraid JaVale will show up.

I stand very far away. From dudes, that is.

That’s from too much “Han Solo”.

From what I understand, I would go off the top rope with LT-level coke in my system, too.

The only valid diagnosis Freud gave was unironically about himself.

Let’s put the culture of alcohol abuse on trial instead.

C’mon, they did it for the money. That is all.

They’re just using the Catholic handbook.

We need a witch hunt for witch hunts.

It was a Danny White fan putting the ass in Texas.