
A lot of times those places that have need tend to pay poorly (relative to other cities) or have openings in less desirable areas (long term care, etc...). Or they have problems keeping staff, which is a whole 'nother story...

I wish they didn't. I'm in nursing school right now and male privilege is amped up to 11 - we're talking scholarships, turning the other way when guys cheat, absolute favoritism in clinical settings. The old guard are pretty much fawning over a lot of these guys (many of whom, I gotta be honest, I'm not that impressed

it is weird. i know new nursing school grads in CA who can't find paying jobs.

You are a Gawker Media patriot. I salute you.

No, you're right. Jezebel is just determined to believe that a basic bitch is just a Becky. They cannot be stopped. We're watching them make fetch happen, at this point.

I was just thinking this. I even went back through some old articles that use "basic" and none of them seem to use it correctly.

AMEN to that! Shit. Glad it isn't only me.

Damnit, I came here to do this but no way I can beat that. Well done.

Ice cold. I wish I could give you more stars. All the stars.

It's always nice when a self-proclaimed feminist site runs an article composed entirely of lazy, sexist stereotypes that reduce groups of women to a menagerie of lazy tropes.

Oh geeze. Why is this so accurate??? It hurts.

Okay, so when white people unintentionally misuse a term it's not a fuckup, it's the magical transformative property of white linguistics. Seems legit.

I'm here for this comment!

Favorite terms: Special snowflake, Mommy Wars, problematic, BFF (used in reference to Jennifer Lawrence), Queen Bey, WAHHHMBULANCE

Dayum. That shit burns all the way over hurr.

I've never even seen Jez use it correctly. They've coopted it without ever really grasping the meaning of the phrase. Basic bitch : Jezebel :: Shade : Rich Juzwiak. :/

Alright Black People basic bitch is officially dead. Meet me over at #blacktwitter in 2o min to discuss new alternatives, b/c thot is also on it's way out.

Is Jezebel just turning into an MRA false flag? With feminist friends like these...

Jezebel Basic

Isn't it ironic that a pro-feminist site features articles calling women derogatory names? I guess its now a term of endearment? Society continues to goes down the drain.