
Here's the thing. When your first reaction to a story like this where there is a clear criminal act, a true monster like the litigious "nanny", and your reaction is "They were asking for it because they are stupid, naive, gullible, irresponsible, etc..." that is a cognitive bias. We think that way so we can feel like

Umm...no. They are victims of a freeloading disgusting backhanded criminal. They may be naive, gullible, simple-minded, slow, or irresponsible that doesn't mean that a criminal gets to take advantage of them while they take the blame. We all want to feel better about this situation and we all want to feel like we

Victim blaming is the only term to use here. Victim blaming is a logical fallacy that follows from the Just-World fallacy. It's EXACTLY the same fallacy that causes otherwise good folk to suggest that woman are asking for it with their skimpy clothes. It's a bias that we all have, and I would hope that folks on

It's getting fucking ridiculous. A person broke into someone's house while they were home - "why weren't all the doors locked?", a dog gets stolen from a yard - "why was the dog in the yard in the first place?", a smartphone gets stolen from someone out running - "they shouldn't have been flashing around their fancy

The victim blaming is rampant in the comments here. Seriously, do you not see the hypocrisy in that? On Jezebel of all places. Ya'll should be ashamed of yourself. They hired a nanny and dared not to check with the state government to see if she was on the well-known (you knew about it, right) Vexatious Litigant

stop the fucing VICTIM BLAMING!

Part of the problem is that we paint rapists as these awful people who don't care about right and wrong, so then you have guys who do care about right and wrong and who aren't Hitler incarnate and because they aren't what society says a rapist is, it doesn't even occur to them that they could rape and they rape and

and they don't even help, you follow all the rules to not get raped and you still get raped

I feel like the "navigating a world of sexual menace" part is the main point, it's kind of like Schrodinger's rapist, more to get men to understand women's reality than to tell women what to do

Dude, do you know how old I was when I was given the advice to never leave my drink unattended a a party? 8 years old. I'm in no way unusual in that respect.

Women are given these little gems of advice their entire lives, sometimes even on a daily basis. Then when we put these little gems of advice into practice

Hahah, mmk. If it weren't for the fact I've had this conversation on this website now a dozen or so times, calling me unhinged for answering you is exactly the response I would expect.

I was waiting for the 'text your non-partying friends your current location, taxi number and when you expect to be home' and 'clench your keys in your fist like brass knuckles'. The brilliance is that while the tips are clearly farcical, they are also mostly things that have been seriously put forward by 'experts' in

As a man? No, you do not get to educate me as a woman on what I can do better to keep my self from being assaulted. Period.

Yeah, how many times do you tell your bros it's not a good idea to be a rapist? And then call the cops?

You are going to start talking in circles with that kind of mentality.

because they're rapists, amirite?

Friends don't give bros a total pass on being assholes while demanding women always react to their behavior.

Ok, well no there isn't and you're missing the whole point here. Because, even taking the precautions you believe will help, it often times doesn't matter and women end up assaulted as it is. Nice try, though.

Those 18, 19 and 20 year-olds went after your 15-year-old friends for "relationships" because they couldn't as easily manipulate women their own age, if they could even manage to get dates with them in the first place.

I was talking to my boyfriend about this yesterday. I dated a 19-year-old when I was 15 and thought nothing of it. He was super annoying so I broke up with him after a few months. Looking back, I don't even understand why a 19-year-old would ever want to date a 15 year old. Especially when I wasn't even sexually