
Your use of the word "troll" is extra dismissive, thanks!

My larger point, for those who missed it in my emotional initial response, is that people use these statistics as a way to distance themselves from this kind of thing happening in their life. My sister DID think she was safer with a woman, and that is in part

yeah, grind your ax someplace else because you're making them look stupid. This is about the talking points they're commanded to present simultaneously with the rest of the think tank sponsored sites and not open mic night for people with real and good points

Thank you for being a light in all this madness.

Too bad he's wrong.

And really, is it safer for these people to get their kids out of the car across the parking lot to the counter of the gas station?

I felt it was less a push of "white knight" and more about changing the culture, especially the high school/college age culture of men to not stop each other when they even just make misogynist jokes around each other. They're specifically targeting college campuses which means targeting men who maybe aren't

I don't think that's necessarily the case. People tend to be pretty apathetic about shit happening to people they don't know regardless of the genders involved. The PSA focuses on male perpetrated violence against women but I think bringing up the connections is to also make people give a shit. Yes, people should

I disagree. This is men talking to other men and asking them to take some SOCIETAL responsibility, rather than placing the blame solely on women. This is a good thing, a very good thing.

birth control doesn't encourage women to engage in risky or "promiscuous" sexual behavior

I feel like too many people nowadays like to overblow the difficulties of new babies. My daughter will be 7 months later this month. We planned out having this baby in the first place, we've got familial support behind us as well and we educated ourselves beforehand. For the most part, things haven't changed

Wow, Jez. First the Lena Dunham shaming bullshit and now this? AND I'M OUT! You used to be so much fun. Peace.

Pretty much. I've never understood the attempt to get the writers to take accountability on this site. This ain't Feministing. It's a dressed up gossip rag, people.

I left before Christmas because I was starting to experience constant rage even when I wasn't on the Internet. I came back today because a friend directed me to the beer label story (I'm a beer magazine editor). hocoture, leave and don't look back. Jez is not the site it once was, sadly. And you will be happier for

Best media roundup every week of what you need to read, too. Read it and weep, Jezebel — oh wait, Jezebel is too busy picking celebrities appearances apart from the last red carpet event.

I first noticed when she wrote that post about #solidarityisforwhitewomen, where she very deliberately failed to mention the creator, and then did a half-assed edit when she got called out on twitter. I say she deliberately left Kendall out, because this was write after Coen did that bullshit apology over Schwyzer and

I quit reading Jez a little over a year ago, for the very reasons you and other commenters have been pointing out. I'll still check out an article occasionally if it's linked from gawker (which is how I ended up here), but I also have seriously cut back on gawker too. Reading news/blogs thats mostly written by

I'm fine with criticism. I'd like to become better, and listening to criticism is a good place to start. But Groupthink posts speculating on my mental health posted in a space that the participants never thought I'd read isn't "criticism," it's performative outrage and gleeful, shitty small person bullshit. I wouldn't

I absolutely think it's important to call Jezebel out when it does inappropriate crap. I didn't say it wasn't. It just bothers me when people express the belief that this is a feminist or safe place, because it's not. Commenters who need a feminist or safe place can get really burned here. Am I an asshole for

Jezebel is NOT a feminist publication.

I've been under the impression that most of the commenters on this site get their rocks off by pointing out who's a fuck up/who's fucked up. Jezebel LOVES doing this to famous women in media, so I'm not surprised in the least that these demons turned on the writers as well...