
What! I just found this out!

In Sweden, maternity leave is 13 months at 80% of your salary. I had twins, so I received double time & returned to my job after 2 1/2 years raising our girls. Daycare costs are capped (we pay $200 a month for full time daycare for 2 kids). Oh, and higher education is pretty much free.
Something I've understood since

I just came here to confess that while in my 20s and 30s I was very vocal about how women shouldn't feel pressured to look a certain way and get various types of enhancements... surgery... whatever you call the whole group of beauty by needle/scalpel/whatever. I am no longer in those age ranges and I have turned into

There was a guy that I worked with that totally agreed with the fact of the US not having guaranteed maternity leave.

It's pretty sad indeed being that I'm 53. Dead and buried at 49? HA! Some of my best experiences happened after 49 I tell ya!

When I hear things like "peaked at 50" I get the feeling that this society would really like women to die off at 49. You know, be available at 16 bear children at 20 and simply die off by 49, since our primary use would be over by then.

It's also worth noting that you don't always know which messages are affecting your kids based on their physical sex. Most of the trans women I know are just as affected by media and marketing portrayal of women as biological women. A lot of trans women and male cross dressers I know who are just coming out have

And don't just talk to your boys about boy issues and girls about girl issues. I think a lot of male kids would benefit from the same talk as girls get; though it may not directly affect them, in the end they will still perpetuate the problematic things that the media tells us.

I've been waiting to share this photo from my friend Gillian Ward, one of the strongest and most beautiful people (inside and out) I've ever met. (Owner of Crystal Coast Strength and Condition in NC and a Crossfit champion, she helped us create the Lifehacker Workout)

Everyone is attracted to the instant gratification of getting to know someone. You are not alone! I have many friends who can't be in committed relationships because of this aspect. They're constantly looking for the chase. I used to also be this same way before I met my husband and realized that what I was doing was

I'm actually in a committed relationship, and fairly happy in it, and I'm finding it difficult to turn off being attracted to others. And it's not purely sexual, which would be easier to dismiss. It doesn't help that I've been described as charming and cute, so opportunities seem to find their way to me, without any

I think I may be addicted to the "chase", the interactions between two people who are into each other, the flirty conversations, I love the rush from it - and it has really cause some problems with me being in long-term relationships, namely, that I am a serial cheater (well in recent years I have toned it down to

You sometimes feel excluded/attacked in feminist circles, while we're constantly attacked, talked down to, we receive condescending comments and "What you're doing is BAD and you should feel BAD" looks from EVERYONE, literally everywhere we go; in our own homes, at school, at work. We get bullied over this on a

As someone now going on 2 years of having kids after spending 37 years without kids, I can say there are only 3 things that I understand better after having kids:

YES! Even when you've made it clear that you never want kids. Like, no, for real, I won't understand because I won't have kids.

I think, actually, that one thing that I like about this site is the diversity of opinions you get in general. Other places on the Internet love to label the commenters here as hardcore feminists (among other things, of course), but there's a pretty wide range of opinions on here in general.

Exactly. Not to mention that from the time we are little girls, people say things to us like, "When you have kids, you'll understand." It's a condescending attitude that we should not have to face as adults. Whether or not we wanted to have children, but did not get to for one reason or another, or whether we chose

I had to have a hysterectomy 2 years ago so I will never be able to have kids. I get a little fed up with all the baby/birth articles on this site. One or a couple articles talking about the fact that my husband and I just might be happier and better off is nice to see once in a while. The baby positive articles FAR

Exactly—this kind of reminded me of when I worked at my college's Women's Center. The question we were most often asked was, Where's the men's center? And we were trained to say, EVERYWHERE ELSE ON CAMPUS.

I think that a lot of the work of feminism has been centered around making it ok for women to choose not to have children (an incomplete project, still). So I totally get how it must feel like a lot of what you encounter is sort of weighted to the other side. BUT realize that every. other. thing. in the fucking world