
Good call.

My husband was raised in an ultra-traditional family. He didn't want to be a sexist pig like his dad, but he had no role models. After I went back to work when our baby was five months old, he took three months unpaid leave, and it made all the difference. He knew what it was like to take care of a baby all day,

Mission accomplished! 4 glasses of wine later, my family has gone out and left me at home with the dogs! Tabloids are right!

i understand your point. regretably im not a father, but if i i had a baby coming right now, i'd be so depressed and distracted knowing that my wife is alone at home dealing with the whole thing. and even i would be wasting time, and not being able to share those first weeks of the baby.

Most of those I can imagine would be legally available on YouTube because they'd be in the public domain, but if that's the case how did the Disney version of 20,000 Leagues get missed out? The House With The Mouse are usually on the ball with regards to their properties.

It's people like you and me (and other fathers doing it right) who must demonstrate the proper way to Dad to the lazy, thoughtless, and uninspired.

Keep up the good work.

Most places haven't changed, my son was born 2 years ago and I only go a day, I had to use vacation for the next couple of days but since it was a newer job on my end, I only had 3 to use. But the company just updated it policy, they now offer 2 weeks to fathers. Which I still think is not enough, but is a hell of a

as a father, the notion that paternity leave would equate to better, more-responsible or more-involved fathers, seems a bit silly.

Well, that's it. I'm aspiring for "drunk and alone mom" because I need some goddamned privacy and if drinking is what it takes, so be it!

It's like Clooney is a god despite the fact that he's in his fifties and not married.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's just Hollywood. The media and the commenters get in on the action. I'm still waiting for that article about how George Clooney has burned through a dozen ladies and can't seem to hold on to any of them. God knows we've seen thousands of articles like that about Aniston and the four

So the fate of women is as follows:

Because Hollywood hates women?

Oh, they charged me a personal day. I gave myself the gift.

That was the passage that bothered me the most. It's not a joke about the people around Britney; it's just calling Britney herself stupid. Low blow.

If you think this paragraph is kind... I'm not sure what to say:

Let the Gawker hate flow through you!! Her style of writing is too 'squeeeeeee!' for me. Sorry, I just don't enjoy it. And yeah, she is putting Britney down.

Agreed. This was a poor article from an author who acknowledged she didn't even watch very much of it. I had it up (granted I was working on other things) but I watched it and it just cemented my #TeamBritney feelings.

Jezebel really seems to shine when it unnecessarily puts women down.

I've decided to see this entire LasVegas show as a mental health trip for BritBrit. Stability in location, staff, and job.