
Next step: people not rolling their eyes at asexuals, because seriously? Is it any of their fucking business who people do not sleep with?

I HATE when people say "well you have to choose a side eventually" as a way to invalidate bi-ness. As someone who started dating late, then didn't "come out" as bi until later in life, I've always explained bisexuality as this:


Oh man. I'm in a loving hetero relationship, and I just figured out that I'm bi/queer. Super confusing :/

It seems to me that the most reasonable thing to do is make the simplest assumption unless they tell you otherwise or express confusion and indicate that they'd like to discuss it with you. So, if your friends have dated both men and women and don't refer to an earlier period in their lives as "before I discovered my

Do you share that you are bisexual? The more people who know that they know bisexual people, the better the whole invisibility situation gets.

God, this is boring. Seriously. People attracted to one gender refusing to acknowledge that other people may be attracted to both. Boring boring boring. Like it still mattered who you sleep with? I know quite a few bisexuals, they're a fact of life, they sleep with women and men and it doesn't bother anyone except

I can understand that, it's just the frustration of people thinking they know more about my sexuality than I do. Just like anyone who is gay knows in their heart of hearts that they are....I know this about myself. Not just passing through. This is how I am. To barf-quote Gaga, born dis wai.

I used to argue. Now I just sigh and nod and change the topic, because people LOVE grandstanding on the "bisexuality isn't real" issue. It's like they have prepared speeches.

I've been with my (male) partner for just under 10 years. A lot of people think "Oh, you're straight" and given the evidence, i don't blame them. But then the people who feel comfortable making snide or outright offensive remarks because they "assume" you are straight annoys the hell out of me. It wouldn't matter if I

And some people don't believe the earth is round. We ignore them.

I'm bisexual. Fucking nobody buys it as a legit orientation. You're either experimenting, looking for attention, or in denial. Queer and straight communities. I generally keep it to myself because I'm sick of hearing it.

My understanding is that time outs really aren't supposed to be "punishment." When done right, they're supposed to be an opportunity for the kid to chill the fuck out and mentally regroup. So technically, putting you in the corner and have you happily playing pretend would be effective! This is why I love the

its because a toddler having a tantrum means they are functioning out of their brain stem or lowest center of their brain. there is no communicating with anyone in this stage. The goal through repittion is to teach them to take deep breaths in those moments which helps move from their brain stem, through the limbic

Personally, I don't ignore the tantrum. I don't give in, but I treat it as what it is: A toddler having a strong emotional reaction. I'm sure it isn't pleasant! He doesn't understand these emotions he's having! So I sit with him and speak to him in a soothing voice, and when he's done, he runs into my lap and hugs me

A while I gave myself a mini-vacation in Montreal. Obviously, I picked the hotel room based upon the giant jetted tub they had. It wasn't even in the bathroom! It was just there, hanging out. So I got two slices of cheesecake, pate and crackers, and sat in the tub eating while watching the Olympics.

Taxes, insurance, citizenship issues, legal rights, social recognition, a ceremony that celebrates a loving relationship with all the important people in the couple's lives . . . there seem to be a hell of a lot of very good reasons to get married that have nothing to do with religion.

There are a host of legal advantages to being married, like social security benefits if your partner dies and medical decisions if your partner is incapacitated.

yes but in this case you get to lose the boundary between your warm cozy bath and your pristine bathroom floor.

On a business trip, I stayed at an uberfancy hotel that had an infinity bathtub set into the floor. It was so amazing. Here I am, 26, saddled with student-loan debt, poor and alone in a strange country, eating room-service pizza out of an infinity bathtub.