
My mom has been on the dating scene for the last 5 years - she started up again when she was 56. Men her age want women in their 30's or early 40's. She gets contacted by men in their 70's and 80's. She wants someone her age without too many physical problems. She spent the last few years taking care of her

I have a few female friends around my age who married much older men a while ago. So while most of our friends have kids in high school or younger, they are dealing with hip replacement surgeries, going to funerals of their husbands' friends, a very reduced sex life (Viagra can only do so much), etc.

I showed that graphic to my cat when he shoved his snout in my water for the 290358209th time. He was unimpressed.

My little brother used to box with one of our cats. By box I mean tap his front paws repeatedly, the cat would tap back usually without claws. Our baby sister (she's 14 years younger than him) did the same and was surprised to get the same reaction. She startled, I kissed her hand (kisses are magic), and a new game

Yep, nailed it. Thinks he looks 35 but is not fooling anyone. After my most recent bout of online dating, I realized that having a long laundry list of requirements is definitely a mid-40's mid-life crisis or entitlement thing, whether they tell the truth about their age or not. The 30-somethings don't seem to

i just dont get it. how many hot/socially successful women under 30 would want to end up with a guy in his mid 50s (unless he is crazy loaded and the said women are in it for the money only)? Many women want kids and i bet their idea of a good father doesnt include someone who is almost in his 60s. Never mind the fact

I don't think it's out of line to push or lightly swat a cat to get it off wherever you don't want it to be.

Nah, you're cool. Our cat, Lucy, will charge at me like a dog if I get on the floor & hold my forearm sideways at her. She'll tackle me & bunny kick & run off. I do the brain grab on her head, and the Kali Ma chest grab..I think she's like a small dog in a cat suit! Some cats love playing rough. I even know a few cats

I love my cat so much and would annihilate anyone who ever hurt my or another kitty in my presence, but goddamn, that graphic made me LOL.

Nah, my cats also like to "wrestle" my arm. We have slap fights. It's playing, and I'm the one who ends up getting hurt.

Haha, my cat is a bruiser. I know what you mean by sparring with them. Sometimes I'll very slow-motion punch my cat, which just means gently pressing my fist into his pillowy fat belly while he purrs and grapples at my hand with all four of his paws.

As a 38-year-old male recently back in the dating game, I have found that there are more than enough mid-30's to mid-40's women out there for me to date. It is fine by me that most men are idiots chasing 20-year-old bikini models who's personality is nothing besides a version of femininity that doesn't actually exist.

Honestly, on average the 40-year-old women I know have taken much better care of themselves and look much younger for their age than the 40-year-old men I know do. They've all been working out and eating healthy since their twenties, not to mention all the hair care and face creams and shit, and the men are just now

Your wife is correct. I'm not saying it's good, I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying we shouldn't work to change this dynamic. I'm saying that's just the way it is and in many professions (and as you get older), you need to be wearing some makeup to be taken seriously. Exceptions to every rule of course (I

You mean you were sad because of sad things?

My wife didn't really start wearing makeup until she started working full-time (so that's almost 26 years of not wearing any!) What I've found fascinating as she starts using it is how much it snowballs into more and more time and money spent, because of the diminishing marginal returns.

I dream of a professional clothing store for women set up the way Mens Warehouse is set up... with rack upon rack of decent suit pant, skirts and jackets that all match and come in every combination of measurement.

What city are you in where sales associates would laugh at you because you're smaller than a 4? The Banana stores around here sell 0s and 00P in the petite section (if they have a petite section). Mind you, the smaller sizes are often sold out, but I don't think I've ever had a rude sales person mock my (lack of)

I kind of like Skyler, but I think it's unavoidable that something bad is going to happen to her.

My thing is empathy and understanding. I go into shows, and books, to see different perspectives. That means that I like Betty Draper, and Skyler. (We won't talk about Lauri on Walking Dead.)