
Wait. Who the fuck dislikes Catelyn?

You're the first person I've seen who agrees with me on Skyler's character. I haven't necessarily liked her all along, but I've seen her as reacting mostly appropriately to what is happening around her - and what she eventually felt she had to participate in by laundering Walt's money. If I were in her shoes, you bet

I find that female characters in general tend to be more heavily criticized than male characters. They're typically held to a higher standard in a lot of areas, hence why we see few female anti-heroes. Think about popular male characters, and then think about whether they'd still be popular if they were female.

They just tell other people that they thought it was consensual.

In their hearts and minds, they know it was rape.

Thing is, these guys prefer rape to consensual sex - their objective is to rape, and to lie to evade prosecution so they can rape again.

There has to be some kind of sociopathic reasoning in these guys minds. "Of course she wants me. She just can't admit it to herself." I honestly believe that some of these BMOC types really think this stuff. He thinks he is so special; who WOULDN'T want him.

(some things in this response might be triggering)

Right? In a whole university there are probably plenty of girls who would fully consent to sex. Problem solved. You get laid, they get laid, you don't rape anyone and potentially have career-destroying allegations against you.

Her description of what happened and how he behaved reminds me of how pedophiles "groom" their victims so they think its their fault. Her whole story sounded like he deliberately set her up and he was going to have sex with her that night whether she wanted it or not.

It's telling when someone can associate rape with sport: "the girl always wins." Most sports that involves two opposing camps, the amount of points determines a winner, or like golfing/swimming the least amount of strokes/time. That's usually how you determine who won. When someone is assaulted, sexually or otherwise,

As a white, American male, I must disagree with the tone of this article. You see, the things that I do aren't the same as things other people do. I basically live in a movie where I'm the protagonist and nothing bad can ever happen to me. Everyone else in the movie is just there to move my story forward. Bad things I

That account of him yanking off her leggings and pinning her by the arm while she repeatedly tells him no isn't a matter of a lack of communication.

Are you responding to something said in the article, or was this just a tangential rant triggered by the subject matter?

I really don't think that was meant to be derogatory, and I don't really get how you read it that way.

From the other side, there's all the married/non-single "monogamous" men who think that just because I've got 2 SOs I'll be their secret mistress. Neither team lacks assholes, believe you me.

That's totally fair, A-holes come in all stripes.
I'm really tired of monogomous people assuming that just because I'm poly:
A: I will fuck anything that moves and all one must do is beckon to me. (This usually come from dudes. )
B. I'm up for grabs. This is when someone asks my guy if they can "borrow" me for threesomes

The mention of Cathrine Keener reminds me of 40 Year Old Virgin, which accomplished EXACTLY what you're asking Hollywood to do. And I remember say to myself "Man, she's pretty hot."

We don't talk about this problem nearly enough. I asked Mr. Lefty the other day whether he would still love me at 50, and he looked at me like he was joking. I see so many young woman/older man combinations every day that it's literally been ingrained in my head that I will no longer be sexually attractive with I hit

But the ladees can't have the babees after 40, so why would I want a wife that can't continue my lineage?

Another annoying effect of the age ceiling for women is when the actors playing mothers and daughters end up weirdly close in age. Like, if a twenty-five-year old woman needs someone to play her mother, Mom is invariably, like, 35.

its extremely troubling... but i think it mostly boils down to these movies being about sex and only sex. yes, love is often an important part of the plot... but how many movies really do justice to lifelong love? i can count them on one hand... its a very difficult thing to film and write. however, its really easy