
I don't know why this double posted. Whatever. You win at everything.

"I'm attracted to ______."
"No you aren't."
"and you would know more about my sexuality than me?"
And then I try to disengage and find the bar so I can make it through the rest of any interaction I have to have with this person.

Food in the bathroom normally freaks me out, but this sounds amazing. The only thing better would be watching netflix at the same time.

I think this is a really clever take on the whole thing. My response was something like, "Idiots wearing tacky and inappropriate Halloween costumes to parties is a tradition."

Sure, this is a rational response to the situation.
But you're overlooking the a chance to criticize a parent for how they are raising their kid! A FEMALE parent! Who appeared in public! With her kids!

You really can't let moments like this slip by. It's very important that to point out all of the mistakes she

I'm begining to think rape isn't always a power or sex thing, it's a selfishness thing. I want to do this and you can't stop me. Like a child throwing a tantrum. Which is what these apologists sound like.

God. Your friend's story hits so close to home. I wish I could give you both hugs through the computer.

How can someone be your friend for years and rape you? Because he wanted to.
Men can hear "no", it's just that they don't care- maybe because you are a woman, maybe because they know they'll get away with it

I get what you are saying, but this does happen to men and I think your post could be misinterpreted as being cruel (though I'm certain that's not what you meant).

I posted this yesterday, but I think it still applies.

The consequences of drinking are embarrassment and hangovers, not rape. Saying that women shouldn't drink because then they will "let themselves get raped" is like saying, " You shouldn't walk in a bad neighborhood at night and count your money openly, because


Thank you. I use the term "Moral Luck".
I took 20$ out of a friend's wallet. They noticed and didn't mind. Is it still stealing? Were my actions wrong?

Most doctors may not even advise you to cut that- especially if it is so intermittent.
I've seen a lot of docs say: these are your symptoms; xanax, ativan, etc. helps; these are the risks; these are the benefits that you've had; what do you want to do. At the low dose you are taking (and you only take it as needed)

Whoa. Hold on.
Posting individual letters or personal ads from people with clear signs of mental illness on a very public website isn't the apex of feminism? Mocking the ideas of reference of a person with schitzotypal personality disorder is crucial to destroying the patriarchy. At least we can all feel better

You're not hanging out with the right women. ;)


Eh. I dated a poor college student who acted as entitled and arrogant as a trust fund baby of a multimillionare. The problem was that he also spent money like a trust fund baby of a multimillionare. Then he stole my checkbook. Bastard.

I'm the same way!
I usually go onto fan forums to find audio recordings of shows or pictures. Usually you can find someone with a steady hand.

What the hell is going on? All of this in two weeks?
The last time this happened, it was with those stop and check ID laws, and it turned out that ALEC had handed out template bills at their last totally-not-lobbying-meeting. Is something similar going on?

This. "Oh, just splash a little cool water in her face" became cold showers and holding my head in the sink. But it's all justified because I was a "bad kid". At four. Also, spankings- but only when I was out of line. Like three times a week or whenever shit went down at the office.

SPOILER for book IV