
Get some perspective, please?

THIS. Why is this comment at the bottom of the comments section?
Who doesn't google every date, doctor, or new boss when they get the chance? Are people really so cavalier with their own safety?

Not cool! I normally post on Jezebel and, as an ACTUAL feminazi, I am offended. All we stand for is the radical notion that women are people. And we also invaded Poland.

I grew up around dogs and made most of my pocket $ in high school watching other people's pets. I can read animals well and know when to give them their space.

This seemed so awful and alien to me until I did an OB/Gyn rotation and found out that moms could interact with their kids in the womb! If mom rubbed or poked a certain spot on her stomach, the baby would respond! Now the whole thing seems awesome and I feel like the dad is missing out.

Thank you! At least I know I'm not alone with this feeling! I posted this as a possibility at Tom&Lorenzo and- holy shit!- I think I am more reviled than Harry Crane.

One thing has been nagging me that I can't find out if the new merger will mean that some members will be lost. I know you can fire a voting partner if they are also salaried. Is it possible that Joan could lose her partnership and/or job during the merger?

Nice post above the article about the increase in breast cancer in young women. I'm sure it will get more clicks though.

I used to be chronically late or JUST on time. For everything. If I didn't leave an extra hour early, I was hurrying. Great for job interviews and important dates, but every day?


Also this.

This. I thought I was the only one who hated those.

I make assumptions about a person's relationship with their mother based on their opinions of Betty Draper.

Med student in the US. I rotated with a 70+ attending who worked 18 hour days in OB/GYN. It's a job you need to love.

Yep. How awesome would it be to have a news source that focuses on women with a science writer?

Yikes. Not all the med students.

This article was horrible.

Thank you.