
The difference between now (Trump) and then (Reagan) is that was a wave of reaction that carried them to power, whereas this is their last gasp as they realize they no longer have the power to hold back the change.

If all the superdelegates were to jump ship (which of course, they won’t) then Bernie would have to win a far higher percentage of the vote in California and New Jersey, two states that are not demographically favorable to him, than he has won heretofore.

What we need is an AI that can film our porn for us and then mesh all the tracks together in an “all seeing eye” kind of way.

I believe the correct term is “buttload” which is an actual unit of measurement, equivalent to two hogsheads of wine ;)

Riiight... and Bernie EMBODIES the fight for justice and equality, which can ONLY go on if he remains in the race.

It won’t matter because Hillary will win enough pledged delegates to cinch the nomination that way (i.e. her pledged delegates will be a majority of ALL delegates).

Bernie is being what we call a “sore loser” and is also in denial that his campaign is basically over.

Do you mind if I suggest that if “hunting for good celebrity gossip” is how you define your existence, perhaps you are wasting your life?

How about if he’s tickled to death by a giant bunny?

Now that they’ve admitted they’re not even going to try to follow the storyline of the books George R. R. Martin will eventually write, I’m not sure I even give a crap what will happen on this show any more.

I like what you said here and I feel like it’s a fair take on things from your point of view. I would answer that Obama was already the progressive candidate (in many ways) we all wanted — only he ended up governing as a centrist partly by temperament, partly because he was forced into a box by blistering GOP

It depends what your life is like now, of course, and what your priorities are — but I believe the economy will continue to improve, perhaps dramatically, and the cost of health care and education will go down, criminal justice and immigration policies will be reformed, and we may (thanks to the humiliating thrashing

Maybe you’ve forgotten that not all members of “the public” think like you, and due to fearmongering from the right over “bringing terrorists to America” if Guantanamo was closed (regardless that they would be in SuperMax prisons) there was enormous pressure on Obama to keep Guantanamo open — from other members of

“...a simpleton, a troll, or an infant, possibly all 3.”

Also Hillary has too many brown people liking her. I sometimes wonder (despite the youth vote for Bernie) if Bernie’s support might not come from those who wish the Democratic Party looked a little bit more like the Democratic Party of the 1950s.

What I wish for you is a Clinton presidency that makes your life better. Will you then eat your words, or will you go so far as to sabotage your life so as to say you were right all along?

It’s ironic though that these Bernie supporters are so righteous they shun association with people *who share their values* and are trying to reach out. I mean, the Hillary people are reaching out to the Bernie people saying, “We like Bernie too, and we’re not so different” and the Bernie people are answering, “Nope!

There are plenty of reasons to support Hillary which could be enumerated here, and have been enumerated in the past, but if you’re just not feeling it, why waste our breath? The fact remains, though, that she is not Trump.

In what sense did Hillary either “through gross negligence permit the same to be removed from its proper place of custody” (which was presumably her email server!) or “have knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust”? The only

I scanned 18 USC 793 and this looks like it describes spying activities — obtaining information for the express purpose of passing it on to those who desire harm to the United States. This hardly seems like what Hillary Clinton was up to in the course of her official duties as Secretary of State!