
No, I have a way worse lived experience and I am refusing to acknowledge as pain higher incomes, lower rates of incarceration, longer lifespans, better healthcare, and not being shot by police as somehow being markers of being “oppressed.”

Do you actually see this as a separate problem from the depictions of white men falling for asian women?

Yup. And Instagram makes everyone seek out the same face.

I just fell into an internet rabbit hole and found this:

Nothing will ever top the original Making the Band that spawned O-Town. If you recognize the phrase, “Did something happen to Ikaika?,” you could be my new best friend.

Seriously. I didn’t know what I was about to read. It’s fantastic that he held this event so it’s a shame that the headline implies something else. Also, loving this pink colour scheme he had going.

But I seriously don’t get how an author would be totally okay with the constant sexual assault against characters in an an adaptation where it literally doesn’t happen in the books.

Oh, that was a great clickbait title. It sounded like the health dept. descended on the “trap house” and started MAKING people have AIDS test.

I’ve been in a 90s rap mood the last few weeks, and I’ve been surprised how much rap of the era promotes condom use in personal (if often sexist ways).

hahaha that part stuck out to me too - Scott Cann, you’re a monster!

Yet the majority of white women still voted for trump.

It certainly happens. If you have any friends and family on the mainland or elsewhere, and you aren’t loaded, it gets tiring to not see them more than once a year at best. Maybe it’s not Hawaii that’s hated, but Hawaii’s utter isolation.

According to Wikipedia, he was born in Brooklyn to Irish-American parents. The Wikipedia entry does credit him with being “instrumental in the casting of native Hawaiians, instead of mainland actors.”

Just so long as they’re paid more than other women, I’m sure they’re happy, right?

53% of the white women WHO VOTED, obviously. Those are the cold, hard facts, and that is still a huge group of horrible fucking women who are a danger to me and mine.

Sorry, he directly caused a woman to be raped and was convicted of sexual assault for his part in the rape. My mistake.

Trump offered people a wall to keep brown people out. He promised to get rid of the brown people and other immigrants who are already here. He promised to ban Muslims. He took the side of the police against Black Lives Matter. When these people voted, they weren’t just voting for the skin color of the candidate, they

That’s some stupid shit and you know it.

So Barack Obama isn’t someone that could build up the Black community? Ok, got it. Thanks for setting African-Americans back 100 years.

True, but “you’re not starving” isn’t a justification for pay inequality.