
Because there’s zero reason for them to fear any sort of repercussions.

I imagine it more like this.

Funny thing about that exact shot.

I don’t think I’d be able to help myself if I was at a party with a Koch brother. Oh you need a drink? PULL YOUR ASS BY THE BOOTSTRAPS AND GET ONE YOURSELF. Oh you don’t like people smoking in your living room, David? STOP REGULATING THIS PARTY.

You not seeing the value in a discussion does not automatically render that discussion useless or vapid. You simply have an opinion, just like everyone else. So what.

Are you in the US? The Republicans control both the House and the Senate, along with the executive branch, and some argue now the judiciary. They have not been able to pass one meaningful piece of legislation. The Courts have struck down Trump’s main executive orders. California is considering a single-payer health

Since Madwoman in the Attic thinks critique is important, I’m reposting my reply to her comment that she dismissed here.

I like to think it ended in a knife fight between George Soros and the one Koch brother.

The best parties invite people who won’t get along. Then you have the entertainment provided. The big tent on the lawn is a good idea, along with plenty of food and lighter octane booze.

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

Just goes to show that it’s all bs. Politics is nothing but interactive theater.

I did the same exact thing!

Fast 5 was a legitimately good movie, and only slightly batshit insane. Goes off the rails after that, but in a good way

I remember watching a documentary for a sociology class, and they did a DNA test for Henry Louis Gates, and he had 50% European, 50% African ancestry. So of course, he, and us viewers, assumed this was a result of rape. What was really interesting was that his first European ancestor was a woman, and they figured out


W. Bush is probably a great guy - just not a great president, and while I’m not very well-versed in politics, as I’ve grown up I’ve learned that he was just a man doing the bidding of truly evil folks like Rumsfeld and Cheney

Seeing his dumb-but-goodnatured bumblefuck face still elicits a visceral reaction in me to just fucking punch him. *deep breaths* My 20s were wasted with this incompetent asshole. At least millennials got to experience Obama as the first President of their adulthood, even if the one before insured they’ve never known

Considering his “I don’t read books” quote, he may not even know what a library is.


You’re repping some corny ass, mumble-mouth, scrubs