
I follow Ava DuVernay on twitter and when she posted this my first thought was “they are super cute together”

I just looked it up and he is two days younger than me. This, of course, made me like him more. My previous searches seemed to indicate that he has a great relationship with his wife and daughters. And there’s this

Mine is Jason Momoa (“Khal Drogo” from GOT) for the same damn reason. So tall, so many muscles, such kind eyes!

For me it was this moment:

Yeah, unforch.

I will also say, the visual part of my attraction-meter is also a little T-Rexish: I often need to see a man move to figure out whether I find him attractive. That’s why this gif is pornographic, while a still of it would be merely beautiful:

His opening statement was so sincere and heartfelt. I legit teared up. He’s not trying to be anyone other than who he is.

Are you shorter, by chance? Because I am 5'10" and not a small person and while I may think shorter men are hot on TV, in reality I felt like Shrek when I tried to date short guys in real life. There are a broad range of characteristics that make up “hot” for me, but height is definitely a strong factor, if only

OMG I thought it was just me!!! I’m watching this and I’m like do I have a crush on Comey? It’s not that he’s hot but he’s more like intelligent older man professor type that dresses nice who the more you engage with the more you find his wrinkles endearing and blush the moment you find yourself thinking him

Okay, look. He may not be “hot”, but.......

I wouldn’t discount that, and I am a looks whore myself, but damn if I can be turned on by intelligence and highly turned off by the lack there of. But it’s very possible it’s part of my programming.

It’s like he’s wearing nothing at all..

He comes off as very intelligent, direct, trustworthy, and assured. That is attractive to me. In fact, I listened to the hearings on my way to work this morning and based my attraction off his voice and speech alone. I probably find him more visually appealing now that I have heard him first. But would I call him

I’d imagine that the girls swooning over Coomey are doing so because he’s a) waaaay tall and b) he led the fucking FBI and probably knows 20 ways to snap a man’s neck (which is pretty sexy.).

I don’t know about any of that, but there’s a definite easy-going, honest, down-to-Earth quality to how he described his reactions during each encounter with Trump. And I think that can be very endearing.

As Kevin Mallone says, The game is is [he] hot, not would you do [him]. Respect the game. I say that to say that I probably would, too, but that doesn’t make him hot. It makes him averagely attractive or not repulsive or something.

He does NOT look like most white dudes in a suit. He is fit, well groomed, and much taller. Also, he has all his hair.

How can a man that red and swollen have such a weirdly voluminous ass?

Thank you, Kara. It needed to be said.

There was literally a moment when he was walking in the room that I thought, “Wait, is Comey kind of hot?” I think it was the height thing. But then he said his age and I was like, “Aghh, he’s almost as old as my parents, no, no, no.”