
Nah, it’s Chandler in Pasadena— his kids aren’t even in HS yet, so he has years of this to go. My husband went to Harvard Westlake, so I’m somewhat familiar with the whole scene. I went to a public HS in the valley and I can see where it wasn’t quite as good. But I also see that our local public HS now, where our kids

I’m black too, and it’s just not there. I gotta save my race cards here, I have a feeling I’m going to need them.

Popova did stand alone in the street in Moscow with a sign protesting the new law, and says passersby told her “some women deserved to be beaten.”

Aimee, is drinking at work okay now? Because it’s 12:30 and I’m thinking that a good old-fashioned martini lunch would be kind of awesome.

I would give a guy shit for cheating on her about 10 seconds after his transplant scar healed and continuing to do so for years until she filed for divorce, then dicking her around in court for two years to try to give her as little money as humanly possible. George Lopez is a scumbag.

This GIF, omg. It’s like she’s secretly giving him a shimmy from the stage and he’s responding with a shimmy back, I die.

“Just live in reality for a minute.”

Glad you’re more worried about the appearance of actual opposition than actual opposition because you “can’t with this right now.”

My impression of Kimberly.

As a contrasting example, I would just like to to point to the Takurazuka theatre company in Japan in which all the parts are played by (young) women and which has been wildly successful for about 100 years. The audience is about 90% female and extremely devoted.

voted yes on nearly everyone but Tillerson, but yeah guys, you keep up the good fight. did you finally find your spines, or did the republicans just let you hold onto them for a little bit?

I have absolutely no faith in these people to do anything except roll over or grandstand when it might make them look good. we

Wait for the anti mestizo-latino blacklatinos-caribeños. That shit is just a mindfuck ... I know because I come from these people.. it is absurd the amount of BS I get from mestizos and white latinos every damn day but then also that I hear from my own damn people about mestizo and white latinos. Like, BRO, we were

Lord, how can you breathe with all the pearl clutching?

I had a really fun time during the last Christmas holiday when I went to visit my half Mexican/Dominican gf’s family and I was told directly by multiple family members that I wasn’t invited to Christmas dinner because I am black. Her mother also told her that she should break up with me to make the whole ordeal

wondering aloud about how American blacks could be so poor even though they’d been in the US for so long (verdict: laziness).

They darkened her skin, gave her an afro wig, and made her lips look plumper. The second set in black and white is especially clear on trying to make her look black (she’s not. She’s white and Middle Eastern [half Dutch half Palestinian, not black]). Instead of using a mixed-black or black model they used her/her

It’s why Trump is constantly alleging voter fraud. He can’t stand that he lost the popular vote to a woman.

I’ve never liked George Lopez, his mentality is not prevalent in Mexican men, but I have seen it in some and I abhor it. I’m part Mexican and I thank God everyday the men in our family did not feel entitled to disrespect women just because they were fortunate to be born male. I believe it’s a sign of insecurity to be

They could’ve hired a black model.

Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

I read an article yesterday about cross-gender casting (specifically regarding the Spicer sketch, but it gave a nice little rundown of how men-dressed-as-women is a go-to for yuks), which rightly pointed out that there’s an extra bite to the rabid press monkey being portrayed by a woman. I love it. I wallow in how