
it’s stunning that anyone would be allowed to teach that but it does explain a lot of stupid arguments you hear about slavery not being so bad

I liked that it showed white people who thought of themselves as perfectly nice not-racist people ... who still did totally racist things because they never thought about it. A reminder we sorely need.

I couldn’t believe Taraji wasn’t on the list. I expected all three of them to get nominations.

I liked that it showed the other side of civil rights struggles—the sort of invisible progress that can be made by people simply showing up and working hard. Both sides are important and stories like these need to be made more visible. Henson’s performance was incredible, and I thought Costner’s was as well, for the

Just wait till you go grey & get perma-flyaway.... You’ll be soaking your hair in oil for hours going “why doesn’t it ever look like this goddamn conditioner is working??” Sad but inevitable!

I’m assuming Trump died of a heart attack halfway into his Nov 9th “concession” turned tirade.

I’m so town on W. As a President, he sucked. However, 2017 Bush seems like he would be fun to sit around with and talk to, like he is a genuinely decent person who made some horrible political choices, some of which I’m sure were due to the Cheney influence and such. Trump, on the other hand, seems like he would be

That’s some revisionist shit I find myself playing sometimes with Bush. His life after leaving the White House and hardcore dable with painting along with his friendship with Michelle, in a lot of ways softened my hatred for him. I pray that humanity never reaches a day where we normalize and miss CheetosFace and his

Brown’s offensive reference to the wrong ethnic origin goes nicely with Ansari’s joke about people telling him to “go back to...the country you’re from!”. His follow up is that the racists tend to not be geography buffs.

Hearing earned criticism is in no way being turned away. It underscores how important it is to keep showing up now. We are behind the curve. I cannot believe you posted that.

Oh my goodness. The point of this article is to point out how white women have been failing women of color, and black women in particular, for... well basically forever. Like, Kellyanne Conway is one of us. That stings. I have been failing women of color too. That also stings. I feel ashamed, which is a shitty feeling

Well if you don’t agree with racial justice I think there is something wrong with that. And those issues do affect people of color too, but it doesn’t always affect them in the same way it affects a white person. Do you think women of color who are raped are treated the same as white rape victims? And even white rape

This isn’t about purity, this is about whether people will be mobilized about issues that predominately affect POC/WOC and if WOC can expect this movement to help their communities. White women have thrown WOC under the bus before to achieve their goals. Listen to black women and instead of trying to undermine their

There are plenty of women that believe Trump is a threat to our country that still go out and gentrify neighborhoods, appropriate other cultures, and generally further white supremacy. It’s very hard to be in solidarity with women that dressed up as suffragettes and carried signs with Beyonce lyrics on them. A lot of

Ohh good, white women co-opting a movement and “legitimizing” it to the rest of white America, just what marginalized groups have always wanted.

I think there’s a limit to how much you can call yourself an ally if you are put off by someone stating legitimate criticisms.

There’s a difference between a purity test and having a healthy cynicism and demanding more. I attended the DC march, and while the sheer numbers of people who showed up were inspiring, the overwhelming demographic of straight, older white women of relative privilege was exhausting and often downright frustrating.

Look at it this way: You show up to march when your womb feels threatened but stay home when black children are being gunned down by police? BLM is a womens issue.

Let me be the first to stand in solidarity with the Tibetans and whales being murdered by American police.

This is what is so hurtful to a lot of queer and minority women, though. To many black women, it is not a womens march if it is not also a black lives matter march. To say you are pro-woman but anti-BLM is to be lying about one or the other.