
Just set the world on fire. All of it.

It has to be in The Apprentice footage.

I’m just jumping in to say that that’s one of the best stories ever. Bless those young men.

I saw that story on the PBS special they had on the donald and Hillary Clinton. I can’t believe it’s not a bigger story. he got the guy fired!! Did you watch that special? It was fantastic and so obvious as to who should be leading the country. hint - not donald.

Legally Bland

NYT response to Trump letter:

so far in this nightmare of an election, the best moments (the moments that make you actually smile) have come from unlikely places; tic-tac, skittles, aviation authorities, newspaper legal teams.

His Christmas card this year is literally just going to be a screen shot of that paragraph.

Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.

We’ll all be ‘round the Ouija board trying to scare Lee Harvey up from the great beyond for a comeback tour.

All of this.

She is so “well spoken”.

I’ll give you an example of a transgression that is so small, so pedestrian, yet so common and offensive to women: when moving through a crowded space, a man places his hand on the small of a woman’s back as he squeezes by. In his mind, it’s a gentle way to make people around aware that he’s passing through. But he

What about Adonis, the French-Syrian poet? It would have been deserving and politically interesting to give it to one of the few Arabic poets. Plus considering the fact of the Syrian crisis.

LOVE Gene Kelly. Him and Paul Newman are my all-time favorite Stars I Would Do If I Could Travel Back In Time.

This is the fabled Clinton campaign machine on full display.

Until Megyn Kelly acknowledges her hyperventilating, they’re going to kill white babies bullshit racist reporting on the New Black Panthers, no she isn’t coming over from the dark side. Trump’s sexism just happens to hit close to home for her. His racism and xenophobia is laughable to her.