
What kind of weird, sick, extreme fetish porn video does Jai Courtney have of studio execs that he keeps getting work?

Why does your friend think that Mexicans have it easy here?

And you know they will say everyone is too sensitive and you “can’t joke anymore”. I just want to get violent.

Karate? No, but I know how to slap a bitch.

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.

Yep, especially since that time he/his dad/their friends rode ATVs through a native american burial site near their land in arizona, or the time they dug through burial mounds at Malheur because they didn’t know how to not be pieces of human garbage.

won’t work, bastard cain’t reed

And Black Lives Matter. He is worried about the safety of his family from government authorities being overly aggressive and trampling civil rights. I wonder why he hasn’t backed their protests? Oh, right.

ETA: Oh, and that’s not all—she’s also going to publish some receipts of her from Kim’s 2 phones. Wahahahahahahahah!

While she’s holding Olivia Benson in her arms, softly stroking her, and “Bad Blood” playing in the background as her squad practices their dexterity skills by throwing darts of a picture of Tom Hiddleston with a bullseye target hastily scraped over his face.

It’s for my children, grandchildren… Everything comes from the Earth and if [the government] can get control of the resources, they can get control of the people.”

My hair cannot survive a protein pack either.. Too much.

Exactly what I was going to say. So great.

Come on, what’s more believable: that they were moved and the paperwork lost, or that someone stole the bodies to use in a creepy marionette show? Or that they have risen again as unholy zombies, set to devour the flesh of the living? I think the answer is obvious.

Wow. Thanks for the info. I have fragile (oddly un-caucasian) hair and have gotten some decent result with products made for Black hair. I wonder why the breakage. Doesn’t sound like you’re coloring. I get my hair stuff at Sally. Do you think a simple protein filler might help give the strands some support? My hair

Me by the end of this week trying to put the clues together

THIS. You’ve explained perfectly why its such a significant step. It is the “added cultural and racial baggage” that gives many black women an insecurity and complex about who they allow to see them in such a “natural state.” As you said thankfully it somewhat receding but its still an insecurity in many.

I’m torn. On one hand, he’s not hard in the eyes and the prospects of baked goods and meeting Mary Berry are very tempting, but on the other Paul Hollywood is an asshole and he seems like he’d be mean and critical to his bedmates, which is not something I want to deal with.

Black women with natural hairstyles often put their hair into braids or twists at night, and then undo the braids/twists in the morning and style it into whatever look. These particular braids/twists aren’t generally considered a hairstyle unto themselves, they’re just a necessity to keep kinky hair from breaking, and