
You are arguing about Semantics...technically they are correct, both missiles were past the Karman line. For the first time in an actual conflict two weapons of war interacted past the Karman Line. That’s a Space Battle. Its not sexy, but it is in fact what happened. 

Funny. I have the exact opposite reaction when I see Patton Oswalt. I love the guy. Not sure what he did to you but oh well different strokes for different folks...

because the last one made over 200 Million dollars and people liked it? 

In the beginning of this episode, we see the scene from season One, where “He who remains” says I planned everything so that you would be here right at this moment....What if...this is still all part of Kangs plan? Like, Hes still in control somewhere behind the scenes?

Link is always a solo hero

I would also add, if this is a connected Universe... do some connecting. Just about every movie and show since Endgame  has had some kind of tease but zero follow up or connection with any other movie or show....

I agree on the writing... but what links? There has been almost zero links between any of the movies or shows since Endgame. We have had  a lot of teases but not really any connections at all....

THIS!!!! 100% THIS! There is no connection tissue anymore, everything seems just out there, with little teases here and there but nothing ever coming to fruition. Every movie that comes out we keep thinking okay, this is where it will start to make sense, this is when we will see where everything is going and then

yet many politicians and non shooters treat collectors like me like venomous snakes.

Got it. Since guns are lethal, can hurt people and are legal, then anything else that cause harm should be legal too.

The casting looks great...unfortunately I have zero confidence in this after the original creators left the show. I mean I hope I’m wrong because I would love to see a live action adaptation of this but when you go against the creators wishes it usually doesn’t end well...

I love how people always complain that they don’t like when TV shows have characters explain things but then we get a little mystery and everybody gets thier underwear all up in a bunch...relax people i’m sure it will get explained soon enough.

Yes but she's a #%$&$& General now, so she can't really be like she was in Rebels....

Its almost like he's supposed to be mysterious....🤔🤔

“No reason"...oh I don't know, maybe so his Apprentice has a shot at capturing Ezra and Sabine?? If he doesn't distract Ashoka that encounter with Shin would have taken all of 10 seconds... It's like you are looking for reasons to hate the show.

Honest? Some of you need to admit that

If you thought Clone Wars and Rebels were mid, I don’t know why you even bother watching any Star Wars content...

Ah I don't know maybe he wanted to give his apprentice a chance at a fair fight? If he doesn't distract Ahsoka, she gets rid of Shin in 2 seconds....

Nope. Not even close to Hondo. That was some random new pirate.

“As long as it took to get started” “would have resolved this conflict in 4 episodes" you're literally contradicting yourself....