
Pushing the electric car is a smart move too,

oh look and Elon fan boy!

This is I think the biggest mystery. Hes a billionaire only worried about making more money who gets bored easily why would he care about a social network that is not even that much of a profit maker? Did he think he could charge for it and is now realizing that will never fly? 

Yeah, I mean all props to the actress, if I’m not mistaken Hawkeye was her first real acting job and she did fine in it, all things considered but to carry her own show? I don’t know about that, the character herself wasn’t all that interesting either, this is one that is going to need some connections if they want

This. This is what so many people understand. Yes, i’m a fan of the old stuff...and I have no problem with new stuff at all...but in chapter 8 of a 9 part saga??? that’s not the time to start changing stuff. Finish that saga with the same feel as the originals and THEN move on to new movies and characters.

nothing to do with racism...the predator shouldn’t be losing to anyone with weapons from 200 years ago, no matter what color or gender they are...if they wanted to set it now, and it was a female soldier with Commanche roots, then id be all for it.

I guess, but they already show him going invisible and using his laser sites in the trailer...

Glad you brought up the first one...Anna, a NATIVE, literally tells horror stories of how the predator used to come on the hot summers and skin the men in her village... but we are supposed to think that an even ore primitive tribe of  Natives would have a better chance??

I’m sorry but how is this going to be interesting, unless they seriously nerf the predator?? Like all due respect to the natives they were absolute bad ass hunters and trackers but we are supposed to believe they would stand a lick of a chance against a predator with all its amazing technology???

Neither arc was earned

ah...because she did that already? and didn’t want another “fake family” she wanted the real deal...

its okay. Dave Filoni is carefully rebooting the Star Wars universe through the Mandalorian, none of these books nor those ridiculous sequel movies will matter soon.

4 decades? He was good in the 80s and the 90s...the only thing hes done in the past 20 years was Avatar and that was mixed at best...

This!! Endgame is immensely overrated because it is the conclusion of it all and that amazing last act but the rest of the movie is just kind of meh. Infinity War is by far the better movie.

Well Harrow didn’t get a costume but he was still empowered by Ammit so that would explain how he was able to fight “punch for punch” with them, he is also an experienced fighter as he was Khonshus’s previous avatar

more like trapped I would say.

yeah this is how I justified it. These gods were totally against interfering so they didn’t chose Avatars who had any fighting skills...so even if they had powers they didn’t really know  how to use them. 

I wouldn’t say that, I mean on Netflix you had on average, 13 full hour length episodes, while on Disney+ you’re getting 6, 40 minute episodes..

Come on...I’m a huge AOS fan but after Season 2, its obvious that they were not connected anymore. The show tried its hardest to still be connected but the MCU did its best to ignore it, they had so many chances to connect it but refused. The most recent being in Loki when they could have taken 5 seconds to tell Loki,

true but its also much easier to watch 2 episode’s in a sitting and be all caught up again than finding time for a whole season