
There is a bit of a difference between tearing each other down versus having a civil discourse to find the best candidate...unfortunately now a days all arguments boil down to your candidate sucks and is the worse ever...

I hope and wish this is true...but the way the Dems and Liberals keep berating each other and tearing each other down...will anybody be left with enough votes to take down this clown president??

Edit. 2020 - 45 wins again because democrats think its better to fight and bring each other down than to unite and take this moron down...

#4 pick in a 3 player draft? (and only 1 no doubter...)

Ingram is worthless right now. He has the blood clots issue that ruined Bosh’s career and a few other NBA players...what team would want him without knowing how healthy he is going to be yet?

i’m not sure i understand...they destroyed their own recording of the person drinking and getting into a car of his own volition?

He has too many low post skills to be a complete bust. At worst, he’s potentially another Ewing with healthier knees.

yup. cause every single NY cop is bad. got it.

Lethal Weapon had problems behind the Scences and Empire was slowly dying...their cancellations had nothing to do with color...

the shows sucked and Empire was on its last legs...that is the only reason they were canceled... and David Alan Grier’s “the Cool Kids” he was the only “diverse” person on the cast but yeah lets just add it to the bunch so it looks like Fox is being racist...

no, no its not. All those shows sucked. but yeah lets just yell racism and lack of diversity because its fun...

Obviously Tony wasn’t paying attention, and nobody thought to flag it for him.

and...? How would Cap have found out yet? he talked to Bucky while they were fighting there was no heart to heart or catch up talks yet...

except in Age Of Ultron...I don’t see how Cap would have known about Bucky killing Starks parents yet...

It was totally too on the nose out of no where and I hated it for how pandering it was the first time i saw it...then i saw it a second time with my 9 year old daughter and she shouted “girl power” when that scene happened...so yeah now i love that scene.

i’m fine with the scene because my daughter loved it so much but my problem originally was that it wasn’t natural at all. In Infinity War they had that Black Widow/Scarlet Witch/Okoye team up and it was awesome because it was organic. This one felt so forced....but in the end seeing my daughers reaction I’m glad they

absolutely. Saw the movie Thursday and rolled my eyes at that scene, saw it again on Sunday with my 10 year old daughter and at that moment she got all giddy and yelled girl power. Yeah i am now 100% on board with that scene.

except that if Steve returns the soul stone...doesn’t Black Widow have to come back? a soul for a soul and all?

This! i would very much like to see this movie. Cap having to go back to fix those timelines!!

that Gamora was from the past who time traveled to the present. current Gamora is still dead...