
lets not forget that Babe Ruth stole home 10 times in his career...pretty hard to do that if you can’t run...

Most shutouts in a season by a lefty 9 (though Ron Guidry tied him in 1978) and most innings pitched (14) in a WS game. a complete game 2-1 victory on October 9, 1916.

and how many of them have any kind of talent for baseball??

lets stop pretending like their were that many good non-white baseball players out there at the time that would have been playing anyway...heck there aren;t that many now...

during a period of outward racism and segregation.

lets talk about this stupid hot take that Babe Ruth wasn’t that good because he only faced white players...

lets not talk about all the disadvantages of playing in that era...like having to hit balls that have been abused for hours on end because they weren’t replaced every at bat like they are now...( try hitting a HR with a ball that’s been used up...not as easy as it sounds) or that they didn’t have off seasons to rest

an independent doctor and then ratified by the commission to fight.

oh i know...but its obvious by now that these “various state athletic Commisisons” are all under UFC’s payroll...

Its the UFC...if you are breathing..you will be cleared to fight...

because if she had dissappeared in Cleveland, she would have the local cops and maybe even the FBI helping to look for her. Shes all the F alone in a foreign country maybe even held as sex slave or worse and your worried about the media sensationalizing the story. WTF is wrong with you???

he’s latino, 90% chance he has some black in him...i bet the KKK classify him as an N...

especially if we are fans of the Accused apparently...

I love how, if we like the Celebrity, we can defend him but if we don’t like the celebrity then its automatically the truth and they should die a painful death...

name a rookie that “learned” under Lebron....

Thank you for this post. Look, Trump is a horrible, horrible person and its an embarrassment to our country that he is the standing leader...

At what age should he be held responsible for his actions?

yup. White guys are never called out for not hustling....

yes i’m sure hes the only young guy who ever admired what he thought was a HR instead of hustling around the bases....

that was my first guess!