
I have to say as an NYC rider/commuter who rides within the law and with courtesy (who also puts up with a lot of shit and near misses from cars daily), the NYPD has been out in full force harassing ALL 2 wheel riders the past couple months.

not just throw that money down the drain, we will actually use more tax payers’ money to pay for the crush demonstration (equipment, labour, recycling fee) to waste even more money....

Good point. Just like spending money on feeding/housing/providing medical care to child rapists and murderers is a whole lot more stupid than just loading them into a cargo plane and dumping them over the ocean to feed the sharks.

And the message is that we are too stupid to sell them at auction to recoup the money that taxpayers spent on apprehending the criminals and impounding their machines. We will just throw that money down the drain to make a statement of questionable value.

A rare showing of what “corporate responsibility” really means. Good on PayPal.

I’m pretty sure that’s the last thing most idiots say in their lives.

I don’t know what you mean because I’ve never read Deadspin before.

I definitely cannot.

Wow, you got them all right, in the correct order, the first time! Deadspin writers always fail at that.

There’s an interesting tactic used by the state troopers in my state: Go to the passenger’s side.

Fine work, gentlemen. Fine work.

This is one of the greatest documentaries in cinematic history.

Or the CEO is 7ft tall.

How about North Carolina and all the other states pulling this bullshit?

Change the headline to read:

He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But

This morning on MSNBC, he said “If Trump wins, we’ll have to build a wall to keep people IN.” And then “John Kasich would beat Hillary by eleven points, so obviously he’s out.”

I can’t be 100% certain, but I’ve been an EMT for a while and it sounds like they either got something laced with PCP - from the paranoia and violence- or he is outright lying. Given the circumstances I’m leaning more towards PCP.