Three if you count my replacement mirror that I bought after painting
Three if you count my replacement mirror that I bought after painting
That’s why I removed my seat before turning it into a toy hauler
I left in ‘99. Just visited the folks last week. 97 and horrible air quality. Glad to know I haven’t been missing anything
But how does he feel about Big Hat Days?
I commuted via motos everyday, rain or shine, for 8 years in Portland, OR. You know what completely ruined it for me? Bought a Miata. Just as much fun, no wet crotches, and I can drink coffee on my commute. Really didn’t intend to stop riding, just waneed a fun car to take day trips with. Whoops.
I somehow ended up going down this hill in a 69 vw square back, at a speed high enough that putting it in gear made it sound like the engine would immediately explode, and touching the brake made it seem like the car would shake a part. My passenger and I strongly debated using this runaway truck lane, but it was 3am…
I bet this ends with an Infinity
The story (and Ted Chiang’s work in general) is amazing. I’m frankly terrified that it will be untranslatable to the big screen
Portland (sort of) has you covered.
I had a bad picnic gasket on my Miata soft top, had to throw my hardtop on so my lunch would stay dry on rainy days.
Theo Fightmaster? Is this real life?
Poor in my 20s, debating dentures in my 30s because it sounds like a better option than the +/-$40,000 it would take to fix my teeth.
I searched for one of these for months before I gave up and “settled” for a Miata. So perfect
I have a friend with a Noid tattoo, but he was in a band called The Noids in 97. So I guess it’s a dated pop culture reference from 97&87, so like 184?
The inspiration for my Miata paint job was a 70s two-toned Land Cruiser:
Last night, I was forced by my city to sit through a 4 hour defensive driving class in order to get my taxi permit. Uber drivers don’t have to do this. This has nothing to do with apps or typewriters, it has to do with us having to follow rules that they don't.
The caddy is also unibody, so if you’re an idiot like me, you’re bound to over load it, and totally bend the shit out of it
My audio port + pro tools doesn’t work with 10, so I’m going back to 7. Hopefully this forced update doesn’t happen to me.
How is Alaska (and their great service) not mentioned at all?