
Great. This is going to be one of those threads.


I think it is debilitating when she's overwhelmed. She lost her grip on it when she freaked out about her writing deadlines and the legal consequences of not fulfilling her contract.

Well, part of the issue is that you are assuming planned events are the only "cool things". Cool things are the subjective part. People who like country areas like them in part for the fact that cool things are not planned events. So they don't have a bunch of galleries to go to? Maybe that doesn't matter to someone

I mean, I have friends who were born and raised, and some who even still live, in NY, and they seem just as trendy as everyone else.

Jessa did also point out that Hannah talked her into staying in town and sticking around, and then decided shortly after to leave herself. Jessa and Adam both relied on Hannah, and she bailed on them. Doesn't matter the reason, from their perspectives, because they were not factors in her decision. Which is what made

She did use some people before they used her. I'm just saying, she has a history of being fucked up. Her dad doesn't care about her at all, and we saw that.

She spiralled out of control. Her parents didn't help her and she ended up hurting herself. Her friends didn't return her calls. Adam answered her call, and when he saw her on Facetime acting really weird, he ran to her rescue. That's how they ended up together.

Nah. The only person that really had her back was Shoshanna. She just gets used a lot by people and uses them back.

I dunno. I was there in November, and I'm sure things have changed a lot since then, but it definitely smelled like garbage. Saw tons of lumbersexuals and chicks wearing black leggings with puffy coats and craploads of make up.

Not jealous. No worries.

My bad. I meant to say, I think that's on purpose, because they have something coming up with her. She keeps seeming worse and worse, but more and more detached from the friendships. I got wrapped up in trying to think of all the gross dudes in her life to see if she had a single good one. Adam might be the only.

No, and sadly neither has Kanye.

I'm sorry, but the essential oils are hilarious to me. It's like he's trying to be a stereotypical 80s gay dude, but bath-houses are hard to find.

I think that's on purpose. Really, think about what she must have gone through with the old lady. First she had to get her head around helping with the suicide. Then she had to switch gears within seconds. She had to let the old lady leave with the crappy daughter. And then the guys. Every guy she's had a relationship

He seems like the guy that everyone at the party wishes would just fucking pass out already so that everyone else can finally have some fun.

Maybe because Hannah is fucked up.

Cool shit also happens outside of cities.

Hey man. Cirion asked; I answered.

I mean, it differs from place to place, but subs need training and background checks, and a certain number of hours in observation.