
Totally! I declared that I disliked her attitude going into teaching, and then we concluded that she either had to be working at a shitty private school or as a sub. Turned out to be both! No one was really arguing though.

I've never liked her because I feel like she goes out of her way to make people uncomfortable for no reason other than to get attention. So for me, a lot of her work feels pretty contrived and hacky. Actually, my reaction to Dunham is much like my reaction to Mimi-Rose.

Maybe not. Mimi-Rose is manipulative. Maybe it was supposed to feel shallow.

Like how NY is supposed to be a pinnacle of high fashion, but when you get there in June, July, August or even September, all the women's faces are melting in the heat, and the dudes are dressed as some version of lumbersexual and pretending not to be effected by the combination of sweat and flannel?

I don't mind Jessa. She's always been honest about who she is, and really, in her life, there's no one who gives a shit about her. There's no one who is reliably there at all. I don't see why she should give a shit about anyone else.

Gods, you're right. When it comes to penises, it's always better to go deep rather than shallow.

That's intense. Usually I just like for them not to be too crooked or veiny.

I like Owen. Amelia is such an insecure drag.

I've never been able to sit through an episode of Scandal.

I liked that moment too, especially because it made me think about the reactions when Annalise yelled, "Which one of you did it!?" at the interns.

I felt that way about Christina on Grey's Anatomy.

Legit criticism. She definitely feels more like an archetype than a person.

Also depends on the penis.

Oh, I forgot about that alliance! This show begs a spreadsheet.

What I don't get is how people see one or the other. I see both.

You have tapped into my deepest soul and spoken the words that are in my heart. Pretty much verbatim.

Well she had the talk with Sam about not having had children, and he lost his mom as a kid. I don't think it's any more complicated than they are basically what the other most wanted.

No really. Every episode has one. Let's do a silly example. So let's say they write an episode in which everyone wonders why Jackson has taken up knitting. He'll notice them acting weird, and then near the end of the episode, he'll give an indignant speech. It'll go:

When Bailey did that manipulative speech where she started repeating about how her hands when in her husband. Her hands were involved in finding the baby's tumor. Her hands…