
They've been pushing those two together, and gods know, there appears to be nothing as sexy to Owen as a personal, existential crisis.

Even if Hermann dies, all it does is set her up to have a breakdown so that Owen can nurse her through it and they can end up together.

Could be whoever got the Eggs911 text killed her.

That's Ben!?

Sadly, never seen it.

I thought it was going to be Bonnie for a while. Just because she was acting awkward as hell, and oddly attached to Annalise. The thing about Frank doing it is annoying to me. He could have been ordered by Annalise to do that, and that phone call Sam made could be another red herring.

I tend to hate all the Grey's speechifying on principle. They do this thing, this very repetitive thing, a thing just like I am writing this sentence, this thing in the speeches where they keep saying the same thing over again in different ways for emotional effect. And I miss the days when Bailey was a badass who was

Yes. This is true in many states; it's how TFA is able to place people with 5 weeks of training in the classroom. Those people still have to have degrees, background checks, and often, to pass at least the basic skills tests. It also takes a while to get any license, just because of bureaucracy.

Cool. Bye.

Actually it's the "and" that messes that sentence up. I just tend not to care much about grammar on comment threads, unless it's funny.

I prefer not to say where, but I pretty well west of you. I have several endorsements in a couple of fields. This year I teach Intervention English for 9th grade.

Yeah. I totally stand by it. Just like I think it's better not to tell your partner you fucked someone else and than to tell them after the fact, then tell them you didn't bring it up before because it's your vagina and you didn't want to be talked out of it.

TFA sometimes produces some solid teachers. I'm not gonna front about that. But they are people who would have been good teachers without TFA, and they tend to report serious levels of pressure and depression during their first couple of years, because the 5 week training they get is nowhere near what they need.

I do know a guy who has that experience. He and his girl agreed that an abortion was their best choice. And on the anniversary, every year, he calls her, even though they are no longer dating.

I don't see why. She basically told him to go fuck himself before he had the chance to do anything even objectionable.

The problem with this is the fact that I am a contemporary feminist, pro-choice woman, and I am trying to make a case for the fact Adam got shafted on this deal.

Those are content area thinkers. Get your hands on Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which is overall pedagogy philosophy. It's fucking brilliant.

They will also have choice opinions. But they will be glad too.

I can only imagine the circumstances under which I would use that quote.

For some, that just proves you couldn't hack it in the real world, unfortunately.