
Or you could go with National Board Certification and spend thousands of dollars. Though it's sort of worth it in the end.


Just wait til you get inbtye classroom and complete strangers imply that you are dumb, and tell you that you think teaching is hard because you have no experience in the "real world".

that's racist.

What you describe might have been true maybe 20 years ago. That would be a better estimation.

I dunno. I feel like if you've had, say, 5 or more abortions, than you're kind of too dumb to keep having sex.

TfA is not a teacher training program, though for them you still have to meet certain criteria to be selected. Basically what TfA does is give undergrads a minimum level crash course in classroom teaching, then expect Corps members to teach full-time in struggling schools while taking actual teaching classes and

Ok, well that's just not the truth. So here's a link to help you figure out all the ways you were actually under qualified to be a credentialed teacher in Florida, none of which give a crap about your relationship with whatever school administrator.

So you are saying that the state of Florida gives away teaching licenses based on established histories of sycophantic behavior? And that somehow, principals have the power to issue these licenses?

What bugs me is that it seems like the writers didn't do the research either.

Nowhere in the U.S. can you become a classroom teacher without a teaching license, other than in private or parochial schools. I don't care what state you are in or whose ass you kiss. And substitute teaching is just babysitting and gives you zero qualification to speak to the practice of education.

So she didn't want his input, fine. But if that's the case, why tell him at all? Seemed like she did it, and with that attitude, just to point out how much she didn't need him.

I've also been with friends who have had abortions. Including the kind that are just taking some pills at home. They all experienced pretty serious sadness about it, even though they all knew that it was the right choice for themselves, and one never even wanted nor ever did have kids. They carried on with their

That's true for colleges that can't afford to pay full-time professors for every class, so they hire adjuncts. Or colleges that are too cheap to pay for full-time, fully credentialed professors. Adjuncts get paid practically nothing and get little respect as well.

I agree. I don't feel like Mimi-Rose is some awesome independent woman. She's a girl who didn't tell the man she is living with that she was pregnant, much less that she wanted an abortion. Not to mention, if you live with a dude and are having regular sex, wouldn't the independent, mature thing be to talk about birth

Claro, and that is an avenue I'm more apt to traverse in a comment thread on NPR or whatever. AV Club is full of fairly reasonable people, so I'm not about the politics here. But as I mentioned, even Marnie pays her dues in music on this show. It would appear that Shoshanna has a harder time getting work selling

You need a teaching license and background checks regardless, but yeah, you need to have at least a Bachelor's. To get the license you need hours in students teaching and hours in education training, and you also need to pay for and pass tests in child development, content area proficiency and basic skills. Unless you

Nah, I mean, I know that it's going to be a shit-show. But Girls has her basically drumming up a resume at the end of the episode, and then teasing that she will be in a school next episode. It hurts my teachery feelings to see my profession trivialized.

I get it. She has the right to do with her uterus whatever she wishes. But he deserved to at least be informed that she was going to abort their baby. He never had the chance to even be supportive. This wasn't about her reproductive rights. It was about her assumptions about his response.

I just want to say that I am a classroom teacher, and I take umbrage at the cavalier attitude with which Hannah decides to become a teacher.