
I watch this show for Adam and Ray. Everyone else is pretty boring.

Because Annalise wants everyone to see that she's finally grieving and needs her mom.

I do believe she loved Sam. But he was her therapist who identified her as prey the minute he saw her, which Annalise pointed out herself. He knew that she was what she was because of what happened to her. Then he decided to marry her. And cheat on her. And call her a whore.

To show everyone that she's finally grieving and needs her mom.

Considering Sam was a therapist who married his patient, whom he knew was a survivor or rape, he was clearly a predator. Then there's that horrible fight between he and Annalise, in which he pretty said she got what she deserved and was filthy. And how he had affairs with students. And forced at least one person to

Doesn't that make the dynamics between Sam-Bonnie-Annalise even creepier?

Pretty sure Wes described his attraction to Rebekka being that she reminded him of his depresses mother, who he watched commit suicide.

I just watched this weeks episode, and I have to say, considering what her character just went through, and it's something I have sort of gone through myself, it's a bad sign that all I wanted to do the entire episode was punch her in the face.

Bears can have that type. Big dudes can like thin dudes.

Lauren and Wes are pretty equally insufferable. I'm pretty sure the actor who plays Wes takes all his acting cues from past seasons of Meerkat Manor.

Who doesn't have that type?

Yeah. And Shonda characters have this tendency to wrestle with an issue all episode, and then right near the end, they grab the person they have an issue with and deliver an elaborate speech justifying their hang-up over the issue. They don't have speeches about resolution or anything. Just speeches about why they

I liked that random student's name was Miss Shapen.

The reason I say this is because I figured Bonnie killed the girl back when Annalise called her out on the fact that her allegiance wasn't with her boss. After that, Bonnie became even more neurotic as well as sycophantic toward Annalise. She doesn't seem so torn up about Dam dying either, considering all the

I get tired of the Christian thing. She's not funny, or interesting, or particularly smart compared to other characters, so the Christian thing is her only thing. I was actually amazed that she was the one to survive the shooter from that new cohort of interns. She was the least dynamic.

Uh. I hate April? Will that do? She is so miserable to watch. But I often feel that way about Callie and used to feel that way about Izzie.

I think Bonnie killed the sorority chick after catching her with Sam, and she's actually the one getting away with murder. Annalise has been covering for her the entire time. Anyway, that's my theory for why she's so damn awkward with every character.

As a teacher of teenagers, I have to respond. Every kid is special. That's obvious.

But neither do the characters she plays. Tris is supposed to be to thin with a long nose and fairly plain. That chick in The Fault in Our Stars is supposed to be obsessed with how puffy she is from her cancer treatments and how much better looking her bf is than she. I can't remember those names though. I can't stand

Then I think that is your whole answer. She dates jerks and she knows it. She is probably talking to you because she perceives you as not a jerk. She doesn't need another guy to just hook up with while she's working stuff out in her head about the last guy. Ignore the sexual possibilities and commit to the friendship.