
The book actually made Jamie go through weeks of infection, fever and despair before coming to grips with what happened to him. He does describe the "love making" and all that eventually. Claire also drugs him with opioid and slathers herself with lavender oil to get at the truth while he's feverish and hallucinating,

It wasn't an issue to the media because it was treated, rightly so, as a horrific event that caused the character who suffered it serious emotional, long-term damage. The series focused on the shame and trauma of it. GoT scandalized people by throwing of rapes and rapeyish scenes without any apparent introspection.

Pretty sure it's just his low self-esteem. He needed Shosh, whom he practically worshipped, to accomplish everything he's done (including politics now). So he tends to think he's lucking into women. As well, Marnie does a good job of acting like she is better than everyone else, so it's a killer combo.

I disagree, basically because Shosh was not walking around depressed because she wanted love. She walked around depressed because she wanted to start her career. The advice is solid, because it was basically to go after what you really want, not stay and settle.

I agree, sort of. I think, because she is so ridiculous, it can be hard to see how Hannah has grown over the last 4 years. When we first met her, she was letting Adam use her pathetically for dirty sex, and not taking him seriously as a guy. That changed, and was tested. She also got so wrapped up in work that she

But, The Jinx, y'all. I think my head exploded.

Not fired. Sued.

But also, it seemed to be a satire of young adults. But even a teenage girl knows Hannah is nutters in this episode. So it's not a satire of youth or even really of a generation. It's just gratuitous awkwardness for no apparent reason.

Yep. Because I am a high school teacher. A regular teacher. Not a SPED teacher. Just regular high school English teacher.

I guess the same one you took in Loaded Questions and Ad Hominems, if you want to talk Logical Fallacies.

No, and I think this is a big difference between shows like Curb and Girls. Larry David is a jackass. The show is meta and improvised. You can relate to that, because we all have those social brainfart moments to some degree. Girls, on the other hand, is always carefully calculated, and seeming so that the characters

I mean. It was Oedipus. Hard not to go to the MILF thing. And the kids could have brought it up. When I taught "White Nights", one of my students said, "Damn. Even old Russian guys were getting friend-zoned. That shit is old school."

No. The how still very much matters, and is different from the how's of middle and elementary levels.

Many education degrees, and pretty much all at the secondary level, are double major degrees in education and the content area.

Sometimes, districts and schools hire the person with the lowest possible qualifications because they are cheaper. A master teacher costs almost twice as much as a new teacher. A new, licensed teacher costs almost twice as much as a long-term sub.

Doesn't it make you wonder what the procedure was that he had in back seasons? I always wondered why there was no follow up with that, when Hannah called him and he couldn't get a word in to explain his "procedure".

I have to go with Wesley/Dread Pirate Roberts or Indiana Jones. Or Bruce Lee.

Engaging one kid is easy. You have to aim to engage 30 at a time while accepting that you'll probably miss the mark.

Not really. I've spent plenty of time on the east coast. Lived there a while even. Did high school and grad school on the east coast. Nature around NY is not comparable to nature in other places just like the urban night life of small town USA is not comparable to NYC. Also, some people might not be willing to have to

Maybe they have, and both had the sense to decline?