Almost unwatchable due to very choppy video where I am. It's like watching a slideshow.
Almost unwatchable due to very choppy video where I am. It's like watching a slideshow.
"... with Google's Chromecast wonder-dongle?"
North of $100? I was thinking like....$15?
Seriously. If there's one device that absolutely doesn't need voice recognition, it's a damn grill.
I can only imagine Cumberbatch is feeling pretty smaug about his role in *Desolation*. Of course, I've always admired his khan-do attitude, and it sherlocks like he has fun with his roles.
Look here, guy, if you think you can just come in here and drop mostly-forgotten classic film references in an attempt to bring humor to the comment section - you're right.
I wasn't even remotely near a plain.
The actress has spoken. The show must go.
Goodbye, cruel world!
Pitch perfect reply.
Why does everyone think IPA style beers are the nectar of the gods? IPA's suck.
"Peugeot Targets China Fashionistas in Quest for 10% Luxury Share"
Glad you like it! New update coming out later today with a read+archive features and some bug fixes :) (I'm the dev)
Says someone who doesn't live in a basement apartment.
What about those who don't have direct sunlight or a place to grow? Or those who live in an area where hydro is the main energy source?
Is it a trade off though? I don't buy Cilantro, Basil, or Parsley in the winter because I grow it all inside in my Aerogarden. That's less energy used to grow and ship it.
Deanstro, obviously.
People that say dogs can't experience joy has obviously not given my dog belly rubs.
Man, that is so incredibly dumb. I can't believe he filmed that in portrait.