
This has happened before when a Democratic President turned down the spending bill the Republican controlled Congress had submitted. '95-'96.

Fucking Kinja.

+1000 Jalop points. Because doggles.

The answer, as always, is Miata.

The answer is always...

his counterpoint is also good.


He's been replaced by 5 dollar footlong jesus.

Haha, I'm such a drummer.

Thats the beauty of Google Music, you can upload the collection already have and stream that to your device for free (up to 20k songs). On top of that they also give you the option to pay $8 a month which allows you access to millions of other songs you don't own. its why I dumped Spotify honestly, I think Google

"90% of everything is crap."

Ah, the 70s. Did you notice how the woman went straight for the passenger side?

See now doesn't that feel better :D

Two Linda Hamilton movies in one AOTD (she plays the foxy hooker in Mitchell; our hero spills his beer on her). This will only ever happen once in the course of human history.

I think the galaxy's just mooning the Magellanic Clouds.

This is ridiculous. The Milky Way doesn't have peanuts. Snickers does.

Wow, I hated that episode so much that I almost abandoned the series. I came back after several more episodes, and I think it had improved greatly.

And pork, I fucking love me some pork!

They do have really good cigars. So, there's that..

Lies. It's never, ever Lupus.