
Not really, but you don't want to run into a pig with low blood sugar. They get shooty.


"Alfa" stands for "Always Looking For Another."

I agree. I love opening the door to my garage and seeing that logo.

You beat me to it! Love this logo.

WoW...i never looked at it close enough to realize the serpent eating a guy. Thought it was the tongue.

Yes, KillerBee, but he didn't specify what kind of people....

Every moment they fumble their lines is gold. But this one takes the prize:

"There is no day in space. Idiot!"

I died at "Your captainity ends n-now...".

Mostly a waste of time, except for the spot-on impression of Alice Eve from the Star Trek Into Darkness trailer at 4:19:

How dare you slander my peaceful religion! Death to all you nonbelievers!

Jihad on YOU!!

Comes with special "Graboid" suspension parts.

Reading these comments I'm glad I'm not the only one who'd enjoy eye-for-eye punishment for animal abusers. There are so many people who leave animals that they owned to starve, or outside with no way in for so long, I'd love to see the same done to them. That goes doubly for this asswipe and the people who put the

I think we can all agree that Wesley would have been a way better character if he'd ever dared someone to suck his tallywacker while holding a phsaser on them.

Max A/C? Reminds me of this:

Can't tell if he's turning or downloading something...

It's funny. But I'm pretty sure plastic jesus used a printer to create the fake labels and probably used a digital camera or cell phone to document the prank. -Still a statement worth making, but using electronics to make a statement about the uselessness of electronics is.....postmodern chicanery?

Empty plastic boxes are anything but useless. I have bought that exact same box before for a project. Given $99 is a bit steep, but then again everything at best buy is overpriced.

There's a reason Rush wrote a song about it...