

Cercei’s scorpion = Patriot missile

HA! I think I meant Spider-Ham, but that would be pretty awesome, too.

Two observations:

We all knew it was coming. The only way to top a threat like Thanos, who is a threat to the entire universe, is to now start building up to a villain who is a threat to the entire multiverse.

I award you one trip to Tahiti.

That floaty thing on the right of your top photo, however, looks pretty excited. If you know what I mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

If he was in the “real” timeline, there was nothing he could have done to change it. If he was in an alternate timeline, he may have done something to prevent it there, we don’t know. 

Not one thing. Did not imply that there was. I buy what I want all the time. I need to buy celery and broccoli. But somehow those damn Oreos wind up in my shopping cart instead.

Interesting tidbit: the real purpose of the included games in Windows 3.0 was to teach people how to use a mouse. Solitaire was all about drag and drop. Minesweeper was meant to teach left/right clicking and accuracy.

People don’t buy based on need. They buy based on want.

He was half right. But only after the final exam.

I’d bet money there was talk of a sticker of Calvin peeing on a brand logo somewhere in that discussion. Also truck nutz.

Latest news is that the 86 will get a 2nd gen, so it doesn’t seem like its going away any time soon.

Didn’t it?

The only thing bringing the 4 cyl Supra over here would do is give the “the 86 needs more power” people something else to bitch about.

So she’s too busy to show up for work, but she’ll sure as hell make it to the bar with all her coworkers on Friday night.

Asgardian magic/science is no match for Stark/Banner science/magic.

I had one for my Amiga 500 in the 90s that used a mirrored mousepad with a grid. Similar concept.

And how did anyone ever get 20,000 leagues under the sea on this planet?