
Movie poster artist needed to pick from all the highlights and best parts of the movie. Beggars can’t be choosers.

I dunno, depending on the failure mode, it could be quite entertaining. With no human driver, there’s no real reason why they have to “fail safe”.

The length of the movie is damn near irrelevant when you dedicate every screen in theatre to it so that you can start a showing every 15 minutes 24 hours a day.

If she grows a beard, she moves straight to the top of this list.

Lets just say this whole article is just, like, his opinion, man.

Oh, man. That changes everything. I expect a full report on the list update after he sees it, then. A video clip of his reaction to the moment of its reveal would be nice, too.

What you (any many others) like to call a goatee is technically a Van Dyke.

“Horsepower is only necessary if you have to slow down in the corners” - Confucius, I think.

Yup. The Caliber specifically was supposed to replace it in 2006. And yet, they kept building PTs for 5 more years.

Based on my experience with software that originates in China, you’ll forgive me if an autonomous anything of theirs doesn’t exactly strike fear into my heart.

That’s not true at all. They sold like hotcakes for many, many years, and were a cash cow for the various iterations of Chrysler back then. When Daimler bought Chrysler, they wanted to get rid of it. But it was such a big money maker, they let Chrysler keep it and only gave it the mild refresh around 2004. It even

Geek level 0. Try again.

Spoiler Alert!

My favorite vanity plate of all time was ASCII27. Depending on your level of geekiness, you’ve already figured out what kind of vehicle this was.

Unfortunately, some of the people who are at the biggest risk of contracting measles, those who are immunocompromised, can’t get this vaccine since it’s a live virus.

I’m in favor of red light cameras. Running a red light is fucking dangerous.

I agree. I could actually see that being used in my weird neighborhood. It’s a place where a full-size garbage truck gets followed around by a guy in what looks like a golf cart with a bag on it. The truck parks at the end or middle of the block. Then the cart drives up and down everyone’s driveway collecting garbage.

Shit, dude. Count yourself lucky you get that much. I’d kill for that many miles on any airline. When I travel for work, I swap around so many different airlines, my points expire before I ever have enough to be usable. At least you can use the ones you have. 

Shit, dude. Count yourself lucky you get that much. I’d kill for that many miles on any airline. When I travel for work, I swap around so many different airlines, my points expire before I ever have enough to be usable. At least you can use the ones you have.