

I just want to know if Alvarez is excited about a Labyrinth sequel.

Almost never fatal. That’s almost reassuring.

That coupled with your inability to spell “amateur” correctly would indicate that I am definitely no match for your incompetence. Bravo, sir. ;)

Forgive my ignorance... did all Mustangs of that era have that reverse rake, or is that just an optical illusion in the photo?

I can also fire two arrows per second. Once. If I fire them at the same time.

Hey, maybe it’s actually a Haval Haval H2. Wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened...

The previous owner of my winter beater turned the rear washer nozzle around backwards so that it sprays onto the car behind instead of the window. I didn’t bother “fixing” it.

Not only that, but I’ve been in a situation where I changed banks after moving to a different state. There were no branches near me, so I kinda had to. If that’s a case where I would be penalized, things like this are going to be particularly problematic for people who bank with credit unions, which tend to be very

I respectfully disagree. As many times as I’ve seen that movie over the years, I’ve never thought of Wayne and Napier as being anywhere close in age, regardless of how old the actors were at the time. But then again, it didn’t really matter either. It’s not like they were engaged in Matrix-style acrobatic fight

Those were the actors’actual ages, yes. But that doesn’t necessarily translate directly to the ages of the characters they were playing. Michael Keaton certainly didn’t look 38 in that movie.

That’s not real far off from the Tim Burton storyline, you know. Jack Nicholson was no spring chicken.

35,000... 35,001... whatever it takes.

That’s a great way to say “welcome to the neighborhood” to someone who recently moved to town but bought their car close to their previous residence. How do these dealers differentiate locals who intentionally dissed the local dealer vs those who just moved to town?

That’s a very Brewster’s Millions thing to do.

I know, right? This whole article is bull.

Take-off is only two years away!

Wow... Q-Bert. There’s a blast from the past.
